Drabbles: Announcing the End of the World

Feb 10, 2011 18:26

 Title: Announcing the End of the World
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Challenge #102: give me the microphone

The apocalypse had happened. Oz didn’t know where, but he saw the results. Monsters, demons and vampires were running amuck. They were feasting on humans like a never ending Thanksgiving dinner. Oz had to be careful assisting humans, since most considered him a monster.

But he longed for a pack.

So he broke into an abandoned radio tower and fixed it. He boosted the transmitting range. Finally he tapped the top of the mike and said, “Is anyone there?”

He left the signal on and waited.

Surprisingly, he got an answer two hours later. “I’m Garcia. We’re coming to you.”


Title: Announcing the End of the World II
Word Count: 200
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Challenge #102: give me the microphone

They had been having problems with the enclave of humans. Those who had been prepared enough to survive the end of civilization were distrustful of federal employees. In addition to that, Hotch was too alpha for any other alpha to leave alone, and he had the absolute loyalty of Rossi, JJ and Will. The block of adults was found to be intimidating to many. Most in the enclave considered Morgan -with his burnt, useless arm-, Reid -with his book smarts- and Garcia -with her technical smarts- burdens.

So Hotch told the team to search for a new enclave.

Garcia and Reid had rigged the satellite dish to receive and they were ready when the call, “Is anyone there?” came across the line. It took an hour for Garcia to pinpoint the caller’s location and less time for the former BAU (and families) to decide to move.

Reid had memorized the maps, so they knew where they were going. Rossi had been hunting and drying meat for the trip. The children knew the rules of this scary, new world. They were as prepared as possible.

So Garcia responded, “I’m Garcia. We’re coming to you,” and the unit left at first light.


Title: Announcing the End of the World III
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Challenge #102: give me the microphone

Oz figured that he was Oz enough to survive any traveling, human group but when he went out scavenging for a meal to smooth the waters, a dozen pre-schoolers were suddenly thrust under his protection and care. (A vampire nest had raided their school and was eating the children one-by-one. Oz distracted the vamps and had led the kids out by another way.)

When the new group showed up at the edges of the radio tower fence, Oz had to keep them away until he tested their mettle. He stood in the evening shadows and used the bullhorn, “IDENTIFY YOURSELVES.”


Title: Announcing the End of the World IV
Word Count: 100
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Challenge #102: give me the microphone

The trip from the enclave to the radio tower was one near miss of supernatural creatures followed by another. Jack and Henry were on their best behavior and often got piggy-back rides from whoever wasn’t on point or drag. They moved as fast as possible to arrive before dark.

It was nearly sunset when they saw the chain link fence.

“IDENTIFY YOURSELVES,” was called out.

There was stress in the voice that hadn’t been there before.

“He gained some vulnerable, new members,” Rossi murmured.

That was Hotch’s assessment. He called to his son, “Jack, we have to go make friends.”


btvs, oz, drabble, criminalminds, crossover, author:paburke, lj prompt

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