SULFUR Fic: Colonel Jack O’Neill, Recruiter

Jan 03, 2014 17:32

Colonel Jack O’Neill, Recruiter

Part 13 of FBI, SULFUR Division

For nyx_girl

Prompt: SPN/Stargate: SULFUR, Dean meets Jack O’Neill. Aliens vs Demons.

*sulfur*sg1* )

supernatural, spn, crossover, author:paburke, sulfur, sg1, lj prompt

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Comments 23

bard2003 January 4 2014, 01:45:29 UTC
It`s back! more SULFUR!!! LOVE! :)


faithburke January 4 2014, 13:23:33 UTC
lol. Yeah, it was prompted and for once I had a way to make it work. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it.


gypsy_atavari January 4 2014, 18:48:26 UTC
I just discovered the whole sulfur division series. This series is fantastic!!!!!


faithburke January 4 2014, 21:04:22 UTC
Thank you! It's one of favorites too.


nyx_girl January 4 2014, 20:56:17 UTC
"He also had an attitude problem. Jack wanted to hire him immediately." - Awesome line!

If only Danny were there he would nag Jack how words saved the day! And petter Dean with question until the end of time!

I loved the story!


faithburke January 4 2014, 21:05:22 UTC

I'm so glad you liked the gift, even if it was on the short side.


ferrous_wheeler January 5 2014, 16:10:22 UTC
Don't know this 'verse, but I definitely like! Off to read more... :)


faithburke January 7 2014, 23:24:17 UTC
:) I do like this one and I love to share.


eris1031 January 12 2014, 01:25:51 UTC
This would make an awesome 'verse. Please consider expanding this into a multi story arc.


faithburke January 12 2014, 23:52:59 UTC
Well, it already crosses with 14 different universes. Does that count?


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