Writing and sailing

Aug 22, 2005 11:19

I haven't updated in a whole month, and I've been woefully neglectful of my friends list. Part of that is because I've been busy with my summer course, and part because I've been out of town. But my interests have also shifted, recently, away from fandom and towards some other interests, and I think that's contributed to my decreased presence on ( Read more... )

sailing, writing, summer

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Comments 5

vientoeste August 22 2005, 18:35:13 UTC
Yay, Katie's writing! For a minute there I was hoping you had started on the Billboard Novel, but I'm glad you've got something else going that you really like. I find it's really fun to write about something new you just learned about because then you're pretty authoritative in your knowledge of it but you're also excited about it.

Can't wait to read it!

Much love and power to you,


faith_delivers August 23 2005, 05:19:50 UTC
ah, the billboard novel. someday. i'm just not ready for it yet. wouldn't be able to do it any kind of justice. but,i'll have you know that i did pay close attention to the billboards on route 90 as we drove home, and on the landscape and towns that we drove through. :)

it means so much that you're supportive, you know. thanks. :) and i'm glad i got to talk to you tonight. hopefully i'll manage to find that song and get it to you at some point tomorrow!


wholesomelymid August 23 2005, 02:33:41 UTC
You're absolutely right. Write what you love. Good luck--I'd love to read some, if you post it. Let me know if there's anything I can do.

(And I'm so glad Lisa's home. Yay.)


faith_delivers August 23 2005, 05:17:05 UTC
hahahahaha, that icon is HILARIOUS! wow. and very gutsy, considering some of the ships that people cling to in the HP fandom. i sincerely hope you don't get virtually shot. ;) dodge those bullets, sister. ;)

hey, i'm glad to hear that brit got to comeout for a week, just a little while ago. that's awesome. :D

catch you later, yo.


yesisaworld August 23 2005, 10:28:50 UTC
No one should feel any pressure whatsoever to read what I put here, she says. I giggle. There is some serious lack of self-regard for one's writing going on here, if you think we aren't all bouncing in anticipation of teh Chapters De Katie! :D

& dearest - it's okay to vanish from LJ. You could come back in ten years, and there wouldn't be the least bit of hesitation to TACKLEGLOMMMP you. So no worries in that area, yeah?

SAILING. COOL. I'm sure I'd find it even cooler if I didn't have this irrational fear of floating in wide open spaces on so much DEEP WATER. ^_^"

But NOVELS, omg! SQUEE! :D Can't wait to see what you've got there. :D


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