Faith/Dean Drabble - Safe Distance

Feb 16, 2010 16:08

Title: Safe Distance
Fandom: Supernatural/BtVS & Angel
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Faith
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Prompt: 081 - Heartache
Disclaimer: I don't own any of this stuff, cus if I did, Faith/Dean would be canon.
Spoilers: SPN episode, "My Bloody Valentine"
Summary: Faith's not the answer to Dean's prayers, even if he needs her to be.
Author's Notes: I started this, and then saw telaryn's awesome story about the end of the episode (Which you can read HERE, btw.) So I decided to just finish off my story and make it an official drabble. Which for the record, are hard to do lol. I don't know if it has quite the impact I was going for, but hopefully you all will enjoy it! :)

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