
Sep 20, 2006 12:31

Baby once commented on my blog that everything i post here seems so vague.I have issues, fears, vulnerable moments - as do everybody else. Which brings me to the question we all want to know but will not ask: How much of yourself do you really want to reveal?

sometimes i wonder will it improve situation if i were to pour out my rants?

My ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hmm plantir September 22 2006, 16:29:31 UTC
would u like to call friends to go along? i mean .. ya bf can still go.. and ya family can dont worry so much? with friends ard it would be so bad rite?

or.. have a themed party!
cheer up babe.. u will think of something


Re: hmm fairymuff September 29 2006, 05:36:40 UTC
yeah.i would love to have company but no one seem to be able to make it for 8 days trip to Bali.
and i guess party is out! too last minute and i hate organising.ohwells.perhaps a simple diner.


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