1. Ruthie, you're my cousin. 2. Janie, you're a half-sister/cousin thru 1949. We don't get along with your Irish Mama 3. Lizzy, you're a half-sister thru ROmela 4. season's greetings
1. i'm usually a good sister 2. my brothers will usually say that about me 3. my actual sisters - they know i give them a lot of breathing space and room to move around in 4. i try not to be over-bearing 5. i encourage them to live their best lives
oh... my sisters lili and lilibet - kitsy and kerry vreep and angel sabatten and anjel sabatten for you sisters... i think... since you're dalasas and medical doctors related to phoebes
1. claire mccallister - half-sister thru Father as Mark Philip Mccallister 李 - 1980 2. kelly lee howard - if it's a diff. one then same Mother - 73 or 74