1. ruth [1-moi], green [2], magkasagiyan [1], rundell [1], ostermann [1], concepcion [2-moi, green], mccallister [2], rundale [2], marymond [1], fairmount [1] 2. had to 3. oh well 4. that's it 5. fairmount is 2012/2013? 6. just a lil kiddo
1. well for me, it's 66 2. 6 girls with me and 6 with sherri anne 3. we are 6 and 5 with my side, 5 boys or 6 and 2 4. if you're using my name... not publicly alright... just to assist you to get 5. where i am 6. i'm still the emma ruth 7. 7 - that's my mom's sister's side.. we are 7 8. 7 - all the boys on mom's side - including tony
1. I'm 23 and Kris is 19. 2. I'm also 30 and Kris is 25. with confirmed. 3. I'm only thinking about me and my brother. 4. because no one else thinks about either of us.