Who: Velvet Lyon (Scheherazade), Alex Chase (King Shahryar)
What: Meeting on the subway after her afternoon at the Met with Murdock.
Rating: TBD? PG-13, probably, because Alex has a mouth on him.
It had been a long, but pleasant, day for the young Arabic Librarian. )
Judgement. He was tired of being told to be things, to change, to alter and in the end, it didn't resolve anything. Not past the first incarnation, with its proscribed happily ever after, way off in distant Arabia. The Velvet who sat next to him, hunched into her own space as though sharing his might be poisonous was only a step away from a lifetime of judgement - and then ultimate destruction.
Nope. No improvement. And Alex rose jerkily as the subway pulled into the stop.
"Going." Without a backward glance.
It worked. Mostly.
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