(no subject)

Feb 28, 2008 19:26

Who: Kilroy (The Mad Hatter), May (The March Hare), Gabe (The Cheshire Cat)
What: A purely Wonderland weekend ending in violence!!!
When: Pre-dated to Saturday
Where: Kilroy & May's House, Staten Island
Rating: PG-13 for swearing?

Kilroy was in high spirits. They had just finished playing outside in the small forest near his home and had all three come in for the dinner May was preparing. To be fair, Kilroy made sure to hire an 'assistant' cook that day to 'help' her out with the vast array of food she wanted to make for the feast, but as long as May felt like she was doing most of the work, it didn't really matter. Plus, Kilroy felt obligated to mend his friendship with Gabe after playing the older and wiser tale a little more than he had before. Truthfully, he had always warned others about inter tale relationships but lately it looked a little hypocritical of him to keep doing so.

Plus, he did prefer it when he kept his nose out of other people's business. Unless one of them was in danger or it involved him, Kilroy vowed to stay out of the way. And, hopefully, this little friendly gesture of having Gabe over would prove that. Shaking off the snow from his coat, Kilroy carefully put it on the coat rack along with his winter fedora and scarf. He might have been crazy, but being a director made him meticulous about certain things. Especially clothing items. Especially clothing items like hats. Making sure that everything was in its right place, Kilroy bent down to pick up his large, nearly overweight black cat Kettle (who meowed, probably in a stitch effort to obtain tuna, krispy kreme, tea or really any food he was willing to part with). Following Gabe and May into the kitchen, Kilroy slung the cat over his shoulder and smiled brightly at the two of them.

"Now, I've come to the realization that though bowling is all good and fun, while we have you here I do believe we should test all your Wii skills, Gabe." Kilroy said with the sort of Hatter authority he couldn't seem to shake, even in this lifetime. "I'm quite aware that if we decide to play tennis we will have to pick teams. As in two against one, but I am fully prepared for this. Are there any other Wii sports you are interested in testing your strength in, Mr. Cat?" The question was directed toward Gabe, but Kettle gave a small, confused meow as if to ask how her owner could mistake her for a boy cat and would even think to ask her to play video games that didn't consist of button mashing.

may decatur, gabe coolidge, kilroy benson

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