Apr 27, 2006 12:00

Life limned with intensity, passion and empathy,
urgency, beauty and awe.

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Comments 69

gloryskies April 15 2007, 18:03:05 UTC
Would you mind terribly if I friended you? I've very much enjoyed reading your comments around my friends list, and seeing your lovely doll family here, and on DoA. ^_^


fairemma April 16 2007, 03:47:19 UTC
I would very much enjoy you friending me (I have friended you). And thank you!!


ajun April 17 2007, 02:46:25 UTC
hi lisa/fairemma

this is annina from DoA, you sent me one of these cute puppies which is now watched over by my "fragrance elf" ;)
that was so nice of you!!
i added you here, i think you have a precious dollfamily, i saw them in the "who's who" and would like to see more :)



fairemma April 17 2007, 14:48:20 UTC
Hi Annina!! Of course I remember you and your delightful fragrance elf! And I have added you back ... thank you. (I have to admit I've been a little quiet here of late, but that never lasts.) Welcome!


ajun April 17 2007, 16:10:23 UTC
wonderful, thankyou for adding me!
i have sometimes not been posting for several months on my lj, i know how it is ;)


random_xtras April 26 2007, 00:17:02 UTC
*comments, hoping to see doll pictures*


raumfee April 26 2007, 00:17:48 UTC
whooops! No, not that journal, this one! *headdesk*


fairemma April 26 2007, 02:56:21 UTC
Welcome! It's a bit of this and that and everything in between, but there certainly are dolls often enough! (please add me back?)


raumfee April 26 2007, 04:58:49 UTC
kk :)


doll_paparazzi June 11 2007, 02:11:51 UTC
Hello there! You are friends with a number of my friends. I have been meaning to ask to be friends. Would you like to be? Please let me know and we can link up! Thanks! :)


fairemma June 20 2007, 01:14:46 UTC
I'm far too retiring (aka uncertain/shy/hesitant) for my own good ... I have been meaning to ask as well. Thank you for taking the lead. And you are added ... belatedly (for which I apologise ... just back from holiday to Canada). I'm looking forward to getting to know you better.


doll_paparazzi June 20 2007, 01:17:29 UTC
Aw! Well... now we are friends! Would you like to be on ALL the filters or just the main ones? Don't be shy! :)


fairemma June 21 2007, 08:11:21 UTC
Oh, I'm definitely an All Filter kind of person. ;) Thanks for asking ... I wouldn't want to miss a drop.


ashbet June 13 2007, 17:43:25 UTC
Hi, hon!! I've been meaning to come over and properly introduce myself and say hello for a while (I always enjoy your posts on zagzagael's and the_impassive's journals, but I tend to be a little shy about popping over and saying hello on friends-only journals), and I was hoping to meet/be introduced to you at Dolpa, but I wound up missing you . . . wah!!

Anyway, I'd love to be added back, and to get to know you better!


-- Andi :)


fairemma June 20 2007, 01:20:16 UTC
Hello!! I'm having one of those "at last" feelings here. ;) I always find myself nodding and smiling (or commiserating) when I read your comments, and if I were of a more stalwart character, I would have nagged you long ago.

Julia, the Canadian friend with whom I attended Dolpa, pointed you out to me and I meant to dash over and pester you, but ... yeah. However, I was the one clapping really loudly when your daughter won the School C!! ;)

Sorry for the belated add-back ... I've just returned from a small holiday and life didn't wait for me. I'm looking forward to getting to know you much better! Thanks Andi.


ashbet June 20 2007, 02:15:09 UTC
Awww, yay! *beams*

It's a pleasure to meet you! I've had the same reaction to your comments -- so I'm really looking forward to getting to know you as well ^_^


-- A <3


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