A list of visual experiences

Feb 13, 2020 16:38

Well, stuff I watched.

Broadchurch S1 and S2

10 Years late with Starbucks

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Comments 5

rinkafushi February 13 2020, 15:59:29 UTC
no amount of shirtless James D'Arcy could distract from that But boy, did they ever try. I think 90% of cinematography for this season was blurry bokeh shots of the bluebell clearing and of D'Arcy in a wifebeater, probably cut from his Poldark demo reel ( ... )


failte_aoife February 13 2020, 21:20:56 UTC
I thought I remembered that it hinted at Hardy having some possibly traumatic childhood memories relating to Broadchurch?
I feel I remember that but then I also feel that most crime-shows have at one point a flashback scene to the MC's childhood that has been run through every single Instagram filter. Or perhaps I am imagining that because I watched too much of Der Adler which consisted of 50% Instagram flashbacks, 20% Therapy sessions, 20% homoerotic scenes between the MC and the evil crime lord and 5% issues of the rest of the team and 5% actual crime-solving.

Currently I paused my Netflix to fully focus on the trash I can watch on Prime but I think once I have it back I might give S3 a try just because...I like both actors and it's not like I haven't watched much worse for actors I like XD


rinkafushi February 13 2020, 21:23:54 UTC
Oh, the problem of overconsumption a certain genre. This has never happened to me. Ever. I swear I can tell all the sakura swooshing gently through the wind scenes apart, thankyouverymuch.

My mother read the novelisation of the screenplay at the same time as I watched the show, by pure coincidence, and she thought she remembered something similar - but maybe we're both just going slowly insane. Who's to say.

Fair enough XD


ikel89 February 14 2020, 09:20:02 UTC
My only awareness of Broadchurch (beyond knowing it has Tennant and Coleman) is that when we were planning a Dorset roadtrip last August, a colleage from the area was like GO TO THIS BEACH THEY FILMED BROADCHURCH THERE. (And then we didn't because I forgot all about it until this moment 🤷♀️)

A horrible murder in a picturesque small town but this time David Tennant is evil...or is he?
And this reminds me of two conversations I had this week about not wanting to go see a play with Tennant because he's playing a Nazi.. or is he. Sorry for only offering comments that don't pertain to the shows, because I clearly watch many crime shows :'D

Thorpe is played by Hugh Grant and Norman by Ben Whishaw which alone is a good reason for watching
This doesn't sound half bad but I am now thinking it could have been great if it was done in your face type of funny, like Knives Out.

And everytime he receives an injury that would be deadly for mortals he regenerates shirtless in the nearest body of water.I feel proud every time I recognize a show you ( ... )


failte_aoife February 14 2020, 11:53:11 UTC
Sorry for only offering comments that don't pertain to the shows, because I clearly watch many crime shows :'D
Somebody has to balance out my complete lack of interest in this genre

I feel proud every time I recognize a show you watched as basically a groupchat meme.
I try to do my very best...and I will keep you updated on all Australian pulp murders


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