Title: Compassion
Fandom: DC
Characters: Tim Drake/Jaime Reyes
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1, 078
Author's Notes: Posting this because I feel like I haven't posted fic in ages. This is part of a work in progress that got sidelined for a while but this bit works well enough on it's own so I thought I'd post it. In regards to what happens with
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Comments 8
I love how Jaime insists that Tim use his real name. :D
Tim should be more of a gentlemen, after you see someone naked you have to use their real name. And buy them dinner.
Damn, I've been doing it wrong for years!
It's much more fun that way.
I really liked this (I love h/c, like, woah). I liked Jaime's vulnerability and Tim's...Timness (except in my head, rereading this, Tim is totally copping a feel with the naked-inna-bed thing, even if it is useful. I'm sure he's got a Bat-Heating-Pad or Bat-Mylar-Blanket around somewhere, he just wanted Naked Time). I asked for the timestamp because the story seems to leave off kind of abruptly...There's all this great build up, and then Jaime falls asleep, the end. I totally understand that you were probably writing to an image, and getting them snuggly in bed and naked was your image, but there's so much potential and I hate to see you waste it! You can go with wake up sex,Naked Awkwardness, or even some combination of the two!
This was part of an EPIC THING that got really frustrating so I posted part of it in the hope it would get me motivated again, but it didn't. Maybe writing timestamp fic will work.
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