Fic: What the Doctor Ordered

Jul 13, 2009 00:45

Title: What the Doctor Ordered
Fandom: DC
Characters: Bernard Dowd, Tim Drake
Rating: PG -13
Warnings: Bernard's sunglasses
Word Count: 1, 870
Author's Notes: Future fic! In my mind they are both about 25. This was originally going to be one post but it doesn't quite fit right so I'm splitting it into two. The next part should be up tomorrow. I also seriously can't think of a title, help? Title credit goes to

A small smile played across Bernard’s lips as he waited for the CEO of Wayne Enterprises to enter his temporary office. Every year the entire staff of Wayne Enterprises had to undergo a psyche evaluation. It was Bernard’s first year on this particular job, as the usual doctor had taken ill for the past month. Bernard had gradually worked his way through the entire staff of the company, all the while waiting for the moment he got to interview the CEO. After an entire month of delays and rescheduling the CEO had finally decided to grace Bernard with his presence. Bernard heard footsteps approaching and stood to open the door, he schooled his face into an impassive expression.

“This is ridiculous Leanne, I just don’t have time for some quack to ask me stupid questions about ‘how I feel about things,” A man’s voice hissed.

“Sir I apologise but it is staff policy that each employee must undergo a psyche evaluation,” A woman replied.

“Fine Leanne, but if that man keeps me any longer than necessary I swear I’ll-”

Bernard had opened the door abruptly much to the dismay of the man on the other side. His mouth was hanging open and he quickly closed it. He turned to his secretary and dismissed her with a nod.

“Come in sir,” Bernard instructed airily.

Blinking rapidly, the man cautiously stepped into Bernard’s office. Bernard closed the door behind him and offered his hand. The man stared at it for a moment before his eyes returned to Bernard’s face. Bernard suddenly found himself being hugged tightly.

“Bernard Dowd, you should’ve told me you were here,” the man scolded as he released him.

“That’s Doctor Bernard Dowd, Mr Wayne and would your knowledge of my presence have encouraged you to allow the psyche evaluation to be performed sooner?” Bernard asked, “Or would you have avoided it altogether?”

“Bernard, please, call me Tim,” Tim told him softly, clearly recognising what Bernard’s last comment implied.

“Tim,” Bernard smiled at him and Tim visibly relaxed, “why don’t you have a seat?”

Tim nodded and made his way to the long couch in Bernard’s office whilst Bernard sat down in the plush chair next to it. Just as Bernard has expected, Tim didn’t lie down on the couch but perched on the edge. He smiled again.

“So, Mr Wayne, I just want you to relax and I am going to ask you a few questions,” Bernard said seriously.

Tim raised an eyebrow at him.

“Nah, don’t worry about it, I’ve already filled out the forms,” Bernard reassured him.

“Thanks Bernard, I’m sure you understand how ridiculous this all is,” Tim laughed.

“Tim,” Bernard paused, unsure how to continue, “I’m letting you out of this as a personal favour but that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned about you, I’ve read the files from the last few years.”

“What do you mean?” Tim stiffened.

“All the past psyche evaluations seem to say the same thing,” Bernard answered cautiously.

“And what was that?” Tim asked harshly.

“That you appear to be perfectly emotionally stable,” Bernard stood up to fetch some files.

“I don’t see how that is a bad thing,” Tim’s brow furrowed.

“You’re the CEO of a worldwide company, you’re an orphan who lost one mother and two fathers and you show no signs of stress or depression or any psychological damage. You’re perfect Tim, no one is perfect, it’s suspicious,” Bernard explained, “it’s why my report says you show some signs of stress.”

“Oh,” Tim exclaimed quietly, “thanks.”

They looked at each other for a moment, Bernard recognised the expression on Tim’s face easily despite the effect of the years, Tim was deep in thought.

“You decided to become a psychiatrist,” Tim commented, trying too hard to be casual.

“I was always good at reading people,” Bernard said as an answer.

“I remember the first time we met,” Tim smiled.

“Well, I was good at reading people who weren’t you,” Bernard admitted, “But it seems that you are quite good at being unreadable.”

Tim didn’t say anything to that, but watched Bernard with slightly widened eyes. They sat in silence until a knock at the door startled them both.

“Come in,” Bernard said.

Tim’s secretary entered, looking flustered, a phone clutched in one hand and a small stack of files in the other. Tim stood quickly.

“Mr Wayne, sorry to interrupt but the Chinese delegates are insisting they speak to you, the shipments were delayed,” she babbled hurriedly.

“Doctor Dowd, are we done?” Tim asked with a small smile.

“It would appear so,” Bernard replied.

Tim turned to leave the room, following his secretary. He paused for a moment and seemed to be considering something.

“Bernard, if you would like, please head down to the front desk and have them schedule us lunch for sometime next week,” Tim smiled warmly, and for the first time that day it reached his eyes, “I’d like to catch up.”

He left the room with a wave, and Bernard blinked before letting a small smile spread across his lips.


Bernard readjusted his sunglasses and straightened up his shirt. He’d arrived early because he hasn’t wanted to be late but had begun to regret it as the nerves he felt now were starting to bother him. He thought he was over his little high school crush on Tim, but apparently he was wrong. He took a deep breath and ran through a few quick calming exercises he told his patients to do. He was a doctor not a school girl.

“Good morning Bernard,” Tim’s voice called from behind him.

Tim was standing next to him for a moment, smiling down at Bernard before taking a seat. He was dressed impeccably, making Bernard feel suddenly uncomfortable in his jeans and shirt.

“Sorry, I just came straight from a conference,” Tim apologised, his voice a little breathy, “I won’t have time for lunch, just coffee will have to do.”

“That’s fine Tim, I understand you must be busy,” Bernard assured him.

A pretty waitress arrived at their table and fluttered her eyelashes at Tim, Bernard smirked a little as Tim blushed a little. They both ordered a coffee and the waitress left after casting a long look at Tim.

“I see you still aren’t used to the attention,” Bernard teased lightly.

“She only acted like that because I’m Tim Wayne,” Tim replied bitterly.

“Don’t be so hard on her, it helps that you’re devilishly handsome,” Bernard said with a wink.

Tim looked a little taken aback before a slow grin spread across his face.

“I see you haven’t changed a bit,” Tim shot back, raising an eyebrow.

“Don’t worry, I don’t sleep with my patients,” Bernard drawled lazily, surprised at how easy he can flirt with Tim.

“I’m hardly one of your patients,” Tim pouted.

Bernard raised an eyebrow, a small smirk on his lips and Tim’s eyes narrowed. The waitress returned with their coffee, taking longer than necessary to put the cups down but Tim’s gaze was fixed on Bernard.

“That wasn’t an invitation to sleep with me,” Tim clarified hastily as the waitress left.

“But Mr Wayne, we’ve all heard about your little exploits,” Bernard commented casually.

“If you believe what is written in tabloids then you are fool and I have no interest in spending time with you,” Tim snapped coldly.

Bernard stilled and blinked rapidly. Tim glared at him stonily.

“I never meant,” Bernard paused and tried to compose himself, “I was only joking Tim.”

Tim kept his gaze on Bernard and Bernard willed himself to met Tim’s eyes. They stared at each other for a moment before Tim nodded, his eyes softened and he picked up his coffee.

“I’m sorry Bernard,” Tim apologised after a brief silence, “stress, you know?”

Tim waved his hand lazily in the air and Bernard couldn’t help but smile.

“Would you like to talk about it?” Bernard asked, putting on his best psychiatrist voice.

“No, I would very much like not to talk about it,” Tim said formally but he grinned despite it, “I’d much rather hear about you, I haven’t seen you since...”

Bernard looked up and met Tim’s eyes. He imagined that his expression was the same as Tim’s, shocked eyes and tight lips.

“Yeah, yeah,” Bernard recollected himself, “I spent most of my time studying as I’m sure you can guess, I did a bit of travelling for a few years but eventually ended up back in Gotham with a steady job. Everyone was shocked.”

“That sounds positively boring Bernard, everyone studies and travels,” Tim dismissed airily, “have you gotten yourself a girlfriend yet?”

“I had a... uh... there was... someone, for a while, but not anymore,” Bernard stuttered out.

“Bernard?” Tim coaxed with an air of confidence that told Bernard he knew exactly what subject was being skirted around.

“I had a boyfriend, we were together for two years, we broke up six months ago,” Bernard answered, staring into his coffee.

“I’m sorry Bernard,” Tim reached across and placed his hand on Bernard’s arm.

“You’d think I’d be good at resolving conflict, I’m trained to resolve conflict,” Bernard sighed.

“Sometimes training isn’t everything,” Tim said with a weary expression.

“But hey, enough about me, what about you Mr I-own-half-of-Gotham,” Bernard hastily changed the subject.

“I don’t own half of Gotham, it’s only a third,” Tim joked, “But I did the same as you, travelled and studied until I ended up back in Gotham, which was when I realised that no one else in the family was going to run the company. Richard certainly wasn’t interested, so I started at the bottom of the company and worked my way up. Of course, the Wayne surname made everything transition smoothly and here I am now. Worked to the bone with barely any time for social life, so don’t bother asking about that.”

Bernard plastered an innocent expression on his face, causing Tim to laugh.

“You wound me Mr Wayne,” Bernard said with fake sincerity.

Tim made a ‘tsk’ noise and finished up his coffee, before he could say anything else his phone beeped. He pulled it out quickly and read a message.

“I’m so sorry Bernard, I have to get back to work,” Tim apologised again as he stood and pulled out his wallet.

“I understand completely Tim, don’t worry yourself, doctor’s orders,” Bernard joked lightly, standing up.

“We’ll do this again,” Tim informed Bernard as they paid the waitress and headed outside, “I have a busy schedule all next week but I’ll contact you soon.”

“Of course, I’d missed you Tim,” Bernard admitted.

Tim paused to look at him, he met his eyes and Bernard almost winced at the regret.

“’Bye Tim,” Bernard said hurriedly, trying to ignore the pain in Tim’s expression.

“Goodbye for now Bernard,” Tim nodded with an odd finality and made to leave but turned as if he forgot something, “I missed you too.”

Tim hurried to the street and climbed into a waiting car, as he closed the door he waved to Bernard. Bernard remained where he was, staring after Tim with a mix of confusion and apprehension.

Bernard couldn’t wait to see him again.

Part Two

character: bernard dowd, fanfic, character: timothy drake, pairing: cass/steph, pairing: tim/bernard, series: what the doctor ordered

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