Fail Fandom Anon Official Move Announcement

May 04, 2014 18:31

On July 5, 2014 Fail Fandom Anon will officially move to Dreamwidth. For the last four years the meme has found a welcoming home on LiveJournal. Due to the increasing extended technical outages of LiveJournal service and the unreliability of the LiveJournal platform we will be moving by choice -- before a LJ collapse forces a sudden relocation.

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DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 07:41:53 UTC
Thought we could use a thread for this. I know some people's issues with DW is down to specific technical problems or missing features. Meme is smart and has many tech-savvy anons. If something is a deal-breaker for you at DW because of your device, or the way you meme, maybe we can croud-source solutions.

It would be great if this subthread could stick to practical discussion and troubleshooting. Maybe keep wank about why people are stupid to use meme the way they do or to own dumb-phones for other threads?


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 5 2014, 22:40:20 UTC

It seems odd to have DW blocked but not LJ. I wonder why that is. Not that it matters; it sucks no matter what the reason. I guess dememe is fine but is pretty much read-only since you can't comment from there.

I know DW has a function that allows replying to comments via email, in reply to the comment notification if you're tracking a thread. I tested it once and it worked, but I forget how to do it because I basically never need to.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 6 2014, 00:21:40 UTC
It's probably related to that drama where Paypal tried to blackmail DW into not allowing adult content anymore and DW told them where they could stick it.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 6 2014, 00:51:06 UTC
I know some nonnies here don't like Denise et al but when they stood firm with their decision to forego Paypal, they won SO MANY BROWNIE POINTS from me.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 8 2014, 02:26:04 UTC
Can someone give me suggestions for changing how the DW meme's color scheme appears in my browser? I'm one of the few that get eye strain from this particular combo, but for some reason, just adding the whole style= code to the URL does nothing.


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 8 2014, 09:00:50 UTC
Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous May 8 2014, 09:35:49 UTC
Thank you anon!


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous June 15 2014, 18:15:45 UTC
How do you guys look at DW on your mobile devices? My iphone has a good LJ app, but nothing for DW, nor is anything seemingly available for android through the googleplay store.

Do you all just use a browser?


Re: DW Technical Solutions and Workarounds anonymous June 16 2014, 02:15:58 UTC
Yeah I just use the browser. What did you need the app to do?

Some of the apps you can change the site address to change where it works - this one mentiones compatibility with Dreamwidth


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