Fail Fandom Anon Official Move Announcement

May 04, 2014 18:31

On July 5, 2014 Fail Fandom Anon will officially move to Dreamwidth. For the last four years the meme has found a welcoming home on LiveJournal. Due to the increasing extended technical outages of LiveJournal service and the unreliability of the LiveJournal platform we will be moving by choice -- before a LJ collapse forces a sudden relocation.

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Signing off anonymous May 5 2014, 02:22:24 UTC
(For the record, the link to this discussion post - only the lj version - is borked in the headers on both lj and dw ( ... )


Re: Signing off anonymous May 5 2014, 06:34:43 UTC
Not OP, but... shut the fuck up. Just STFU. Discussion's been banned for a reason, don't see that as a blanket okay to attack people on personal grounds instead.


Re: Signing off anonymous May 5 2014, 10:17:40 UTC
Thank you for that explanation, nonnie: that makes sense and I apologise for taking it wrongly and in bad faith. No need for you to apologise, though it was very kind of you to offer.

I personally think the handling of all this has not been done well overall, but my defaulting to the most negative possible interpretation of that header is probably as good a sign as any that it's well past time for me to do as the nonnie above was saying, and find a different distraction. I wish you all the best.


Re: Signing off anonymous May 6 2014, 02:03:48 UTC

What don't you think has been handled well?


Re: Signing off anonymous May 6 2014, 19:50:45 UTC
How so? I thought the mod team has been really good during all this.


Re: Signing off anonymous May 6 2014, 20:20:36 UTC

I rather suspect that this is one of the anti-dreamwidth nonnies who came into the discussion rather turned off by the bouts of pro-dreamwidth evangelism circa... I want to say 2009? And very much saw the discussion through that lens. I think the pro-dreamwidth side seemed rather more aggressive and unpleasant to people who brought that context to the discussion than people who didn't, and I suspect the mods didn't.

I also think they did a really good job with this.


Re: Signing off anonymous May 5 2014, 13:12:36 UTC
Best of luck to you too, nonny.


Re: Signing off anonymous May 5 2014, 22:06:34 UTC


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