When in doubt - FFA Post # 240

Aug 21, 2013 20:13

Ask a Magic 8-Ball. Its advice is almost as good as meme's!

All the fail_fandomanon Rules and Information (and Ban Requests): http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/36692.html. The short version: no embeds, don't out people's real names, don't be that much of an asshole, body fluids are off topic, Mods reserve the right to delete the fuck out of stuff. FFA ( Read more... )

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TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 24 2013, 23:40:10 UTC

Podfic wank, round whatever, start your engines.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 01:42:17 UTC
I honestly have no idea what their wanky history is. I just think it's funny that a podficcer is arguing for creative control, when usually the party line there is that there can be no such thing unless you are a Traitor To Fandom.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 01:49:54 UTC
Looks to me to be arguing for equal rights, more like? But I find all the overwroughtness tiring, much as I like podfic.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 01:50:24 UTC
Why were they clashing? Who is the "other person"?


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:27:19 UTC
I don't know why, but this list creeps me out. Big time.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:31:49 UTC
FWIW, it creeped most podficcers out too, which is why it's such a small list, most people rejected the idea and no one's really touched it since it was posted.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 26 2013, 18:01:15 UTC
I especially like the "people can get off the list if they really try!" rhetoric.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:29:53 UTC
"Oh man, I read that and just had to laugh. The bit where she fumes at people posting without asking, and then someone's like "uh, I asked, you ignored me" and she's all "la la la whatever" is hilarious."

So even if the intent is to provide information, nice to know authors will be mocked anyway.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:35:20 UTC
This comment, oh my god: http://amplificathon.dreamwidth.org/2081788.html?thread=9605116#cmt9605116

Those dubcon comparisons are certainly something.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 01:17:59 UTC
Going off on a tangent here, I really do not like it when the term dubcon slips into use for things that aren't fanfic labels. Applying it to real life podfic consent is ridiculous. But I've also seen it applied by viewers to things like rape scenes on TV shows, and even though the TV scenario is fictional I find that usage disturbing.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 01:24:49 UTC
I definitely agree that there are a lot of concerns about applying it to anything RL, especially things that are not sexual, but I'm not seeing why the concept of dubcon is inherently fanfictional rather than just fictional in general?


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 01:43:12 UTC
I think it's generally better if it's limited to fanworks. Once it gets into broader use it's going to slip over into real life use more. But then again, I can't see any problem with things like categorising recs for canons by tropes that appear in them, and that's fictional and not limited to fanworks.

Other than that I can't explain it too well. Maybe it's just context dependent. When seeing a scenario with a rape scene on TV and having some people go "WTF, wasn't expecting a rape scene" and some going "but it wasn't rape because she kissed him once a few weeks ago/[insert horrible rape apologistic statement]" and people arguing about these things, having somebody also pipe up with "it wasn't rape, it was dubcon!" leaves a bit of an eeeurgh feeling for me.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:36:21 UTC
You... know this is a year-old post that you are excavating to wank about for some reason, right?

And that the idea proposed in this post never happened?

So I guess I'm... sorry that you're bored today? Have fun arguing with the corpse of a dead idea?


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:39:07 UTC
But TFV's post is very recent? It's providing context and history.


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:40:23 UTC
May I direct you to our Cassie Clare plagiarism wanks digging up things from ten years ago?


Re: TheFourthVine Weighs in on Podfic Blanket Statements anonymous August 25 2013, 00:41:50 UTC
And people only care because she's currently rich and successful.


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