Have You Hugged Your Woobie Today? - FFA Post #159

Oct 13, 2012 18:39

The lower the level in the bottle gets, the more important this question becomes to drunk!mod.

All the fail_fandomanon Rules and Information: http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/36692.html The short version: no embeds, don't out people's real names, don't be that much of an asshole, body fluids are off topic, Mods reserve the right to delete the fuck out of ( Read more... )

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Comments 5147

anonymous October 14 2012, 22:04:28 UTC


Fic Recs anonymous October 14 2012, 22:04:28 UTC
Come and get em!


Re: Fic Recs - One Direction: Larry Breakup fics anonymous October 14 2012, 22:08:04 UTC
Preferably not because of Management, but I'll take those, too.


Re: Fic Recs - One Direction: Larry Breakup fics anonymous October 14 2012, 22:58:46 UTC
If you're okay with Stymshaw I liked this one:


And this one was kind of cute with Jamelinson:


I don't read the #management breakups, though, except to occasionally troll the overly-earnest tinhats.


Fic Recs- Harry/Hermione anonymous October 14 2012, 22:08:07 UTC
Got any Harry/Hermione fics that don't have Weasley-bashing?


anonymous October 14 2012, 22:05:25 UTC


FFA Meetups anonymous October 14 2012, 22:06:10 UTC
Party time -- plan, talk, procrastinate, possibly succeed in meeting up!


Re: FFA Meetups anonymous October 14 2012, 22:13:42 UTC
How'd the Boston meetup go, guys?

/oversleeping anon


Re: FFA Meetups anonymous October 14 2012, 23:00:34 UTC
It went really well, I thought! There were four of us, and we talked about all sorts of stuff. We even had two Dangan Ronpanons, which I was... not expecting at all, haha.

I'd love to do it again sometime! I hope you and the sick anon can come to the next one.


Re: FFA Meetups anonymous October 15 2012, 02:10:41 UTC
Another attendee.

I had a good time and would do it again. A bookstore/cafe was a nice location for it.


What kind of genitalia do you have? anonymous October 14 2012, 22:06:16 UTC
Vagina? Penis? Both? Neither?

You can say how you identify as well, but I'm just curious about what we've all got.


Re: What kind of genitalia do you have? anonymous October 14 2012, 22:08:15 UTC
Mine has tentacles.

Is that weird?


Re: What kind of genitalia do you have? anonymous October 14 2012, 22:11:29 UTC

Only if you have 12. We're orthodox here, missy.


Re: What kind of genitalia do you have? anonymous October 14 2012, 22:09:07 UTC
Vag. I almost have trouble fnding my own clit, though; damn thing's well tucked away (though, thankfully, it does not prefer direct stimulation).

I identify as drunk; apologies for TMI.


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