Damn it, Sasuke!

Aug 04, 2007 21:48

And here I thought they were finally going to meet!

My thoughts on Naruto Shippuden chapter 365


I can't believe Sasuke!  Just when Naruto was so close to him he had to run off!  I really wanted them (Naruto's little gang) meet Team Hebi....that would be so awesome.

I can see it now...

Karin and Sakura would get into it; Juugo would be talking to ( Read more... )

naruto, sasuke, suigetsu

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Comments 2

evercool November 14 2007, 06:41:07 UTC
I want Sasuke and Naruto to meet tooooo~~~ It's been so long~~~ D: And here they almost ran into each other AGAIN, booo.

If they fought I'm not sure who would win. Naruto is probably stronger than Sasuke if he let loose more demon strength, but Naruto loses too much control and gets sealed before his power gets to the point it would beat Sasuke- I think. So I'd say Sasuke would win, but I don't think Sasuke could kill Naruto, even if he defeated him.

It's sad to think about though, cuz I know it'd be an emotional battle ;o;


fai_nekoi November 16 2007, 23:49:25 UTC
I agree. Sasuke would probably win and just escape because I can't see him killing Naruto any time soon.

...Aw...I could see Naruto getting all emotional in battle and Sasuke just standing there without any emotion. ;.;


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