[Flash Fic] Best Served Cold for celemna @ bleach_flashfic

Oct 05, 2008 18:58

Title: Best Served Cold
Author's name: nomoreprinces
Requester's name: celemna
Request: NnoiNel, NnoiTesla, Dondochakka, Pesshe
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Vol 33/34 of the manga
Summary: Nnoitra muses on his unfathomable hatred of Neliel

She bothered him. Bothered him in ways that made his skin crawl and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up on end in annoyance. She was prissy and polite in ways that no respectful arrancar should be. She smiled at her fracción and treated them kindly and even went so far as to thank them or add a please to all her requests of them. Her laugh had a lilting quality to it which grated on his every nerve.

Neliel Tu Oderschvank was far too human and it was disgusting.

Neliel Tu Oderschvank was sweet and it nauseated him.

Neliel Tu Oderschvank was Tercera Espada and it pissed him off.

Yet, Nnoitra could not keep his eyes from her when she entered a room, nor could he dismiss the sound of her voice in a corridor. He felt like a greasy beast in her presence, an animal unfit for her attention, a being so far beneath her notice as not to warrant a name.

But he had a name. Nnoitra Jiruga wouldn't allow the fair and sweet Neliel to continue her uppity ways. He would make sure she would take notice. Even though he was ranked five spots below her, Nnoitra knew he was the stronger of the two of them. There was so much in his favor. The speed, the cunning, the impenetrable hiero. Neliel was no match for him. Of that he was certain.

What he hated most about the woman, was that she seemed to harbor regret. She was born a hollow and had grown and expanded upon her power. She was Espada and now she bandied senseless words like feelings and humanization. The hard edge that others had feared was gone. She was a mushy, simpering, emotional woman now.

A woman like that had no place in the Espada and a place above him was an insult to everything he stood for. It went against his nature. He prided himself on his skills and his battles. He thrived for them, and sought them out. There were others who thought like him and relished and hungered the kill. They thrived on the hunt and the game. To play with one's prey was the utmost fun. There was little else that could make him sublimely happy, than to look down at his opponent, pleading for mercy. It was even better when that opponent looked down at him.

Neliel was one such individual, but she was a haughty bitch. She chose her battles. Of course, that woman had that luxury being Tercera. He enjoyed needling her though. Whenever there was a mission to seek out more hollows encampments, he went with her. They offered him two things. A chance to get under her skin and piss her off, hopefully goading her into a fight, and to fight those who thought they could take him on. They always lost, and he always devoured them afterwards. He didn't need to eat them, he had reached the pinnacle of his evolution. Nnoitra only did it because it bothered Neliel when he did it. It disgusted her and he so enjoyed watching her shudder with revulsion. It only made him hate her more.

She would pay for this and pay dearly. He would take everything she valued and leave her with nothing. Oh he wouldn't kill her of course. That would be impardonable. He would just make sure she was never found. Yes. That worked out quite well and he knew just the man to ask who had as much to gain from this as he did.

No one made a fool of Nnoitra Jiruga and got away with it. No one.

Now here they were about to face off. He'd deliberatly disobeyed her orders and slaughtered an entire villiage of hollows. He'd loved every minute, but despite Neliel's best efforts she hadn't been able to control him. Now she was avenging their deaths. It was finally his turn to show her who indeed was the stronger arrancar. He could finally prove to her and himself that he was the strongest, that he deserved her rank, and that he was better.

He moved quickly across the sands to intercept her, but she was there to deflect his attack and inflict one of her own. Neliel Tu Oderschvank knew how to fight. Nnoitra had no idea what she was capable of and he felt foolish. That foolishness angered him and made him sloppy. His next attacks were nothing. Neliel saw right through them. A fight that should have been nothing with him the victor was anything but. Neliel made quick and efficient work of him. It was humiliating to have lost and to have lost in his resurección form when she needed nothing of the sort. He'd even gone so far as to beg for his death, but she'd left him with nothing but degradation and self-loathing.

neliel, flashfic, nnoitra

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