Title: Friends Forever Author: allthelivesofme Summary: Tinker Bell considers an important change, but her talk with Peter Pan about it doesn't go so well.
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Dear God, it was brilliant! Characterization! Drama! :D
You know of course that I'm living for the day when we get to read about Peter 'changing' Wendy and the tragic sundering of the Wendy/Hook relationship, yes?
You know of course that I'm living for the day when we get to read about Peter 'changing' Wendy and the tragic sundering of the Wendy/Hook relationship, yes?
That one is definitely going to be posted to the community the minute after it's written!
Thanks!! And yeah, Peter is basically incapable of figuring out/feeling things like that-- still have no idea if that'll change by the end of the book or not.
And actually, I have a couple of ideas about Peter. Must send you guys a gmail message. :-)
Comments 4
Dear God, it was brilliant! Characterization! Drama! :D
You know of course that I'm living for the day when we get to read about Peter 'changing' Wendy and the tragic sundering of the Wendy/Hook relationship, yes?
You know of course that I'm living for the day when we get to read about Peter 'changing' Wendy and the tragic sundering of the Wendy/Hook relationship, yes?
That one is definitely going to be posted to the community the minute after it's written!
And actually, I have a couple of ideas about Peter. Must send you guys a gmail message. :-)
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