Review :: I find this icon is oddly appropriate.

Jan 31, 2010 19:11


Queene of Light by Jennifer Armintrout

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I agree with the majority of reviews that I noticed saying that this book was mislabeled. Silly publishers.

I would also blame them for covers that are quite a bit more misleading than their 'paranormal romance tag' in hinting at what is awaiting the reader inside. There were even elements of sci-fi present with the augmentations/replacements that Humans like Keller had created.

Also, I would find some fault with the editors as there were several things I kept tripping over in my reading that could have been corrected with a read through. (I'm of the mind that it is a writer's job to write and an editor's job to edit. Odd, I know.)

That said, let's move to the story itself.

The idea is definitely different from any post-apocalyptic fare you've encountered before. Jennifer Armintrout throws every myth, belief system, and some other bits and baubles into a blender and the setting of Lightworld/Darkworld is what we're left to navigate.

It was a landscape (the sewers and underground subway systems of our current world) that was difficult to travel through at first, as I am sure it was for those who were cast down into it when they first arrived. Eventually, you could get a somewhat fuzzy picture of what the layout must be like. Some things had me thinking back on Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere.

I was about halfway through the book before I stopped putting it down. I usually read several things at a time--different books for different times of day, different books for lunchtime at work, and certainly different books at bedtime. (My mind comes up with enough nightmares on its own for me to tempt it with Stephen King before falling asleep. haha.)

The political intrigue and Court posturing were woven together and the conclusion was satisfying while leaving things for the second and third books to resolve. The 'romance' was quick between Ayla and Malachai and it didn't even seem like the second or third most important aspect of the book. Maybe this changes and will stop me from looking to the publishers, etc like they have lost their senses in their genre labels for this book.

Unexpectedly, I was immensely amused by the character of Cedric. It was of my own making though since every time his name was mentioned, I pictured RPattz!Cedric's face being stepped on by Voldemort.

I definitely prefer the characters/world she created with her Blood Ties books, but I have already purchased and will be reading the next two books in this series.

It falls in the category of most books I read: not among my favorite few, but not making me throw it across the room just for that satisfying THUD sound it would make when it hit the wall.

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