Icon Frenzy

Aug 28, 2009 15:26

I guess if I am a true Alice Nine. fan, I can totally spam this blog without much guilt right? So long as I copy Nao and talk about the food I ate today? A sandwich and yogart in case you were interested. It was blueberry yogart too and it was particularly amazing. :) I don't have a picture though - afterall, I am only Nao's doppelganger, not the real thing.  :D

In all seriousness though, I have reason for this particular post only but a few minutes or so after the last one. Ha. I am posting my icons that I have made for Alice Nine thus far. :D You can use them, go for it but credit fae_dreamdance somewhere. :)


Click for Full Size

Here we have some animated icons that I have made but guess what - bad news. They are too big to upload on LJ. I have no clue how to make the files any smaller and it bums me out. If anyone has any idea how, I would LOVE it if you would tell me. For now, I just use them at forums and such. There is nothing stylistically special about them - they are just clips from various videos.

I have more videos already ready to be made into icons but laptops are a bitch and it takes time to make them that small. :D I will get to them soon though. :D

Give them a second to work if they are running a little slow - they do that at first on my laptop with its crappy connection so I worry it might to other's too. :)

icons, jackie, graphic

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