(no subject)

Sep 16, 2009 22:12

The first 10 people to comment in this post get to request a drabble of any pairing/character from one of my usual fandoms. In return, those ten people have to post this in their journals, regardless of their ability level.<---totally optional on posting it to your own journal.

Pairings I can write:
Jack/Ianto - Torchwood
Mickey/Jake - Doctor Who/Torchwood
Any pairings in Doctor Who and Torchwood
Gwen/Rhys - Torchwood

Pairings I'm willing to take a whack at:
Any pairings in Doctor Who and Torchwood
I'll take a jab at any pairing you can throw at me from HP, Buffy, Firefly

What I need from YOU:
Characters/Pairings you want
Prompt - It can be an idea/song/picture/anything.
Genre - fluff/angst/romance/etc... You get the idea ^_^
I'm not going to ask for a length, because i tend to be wordy with my fics anyhow.

All fics will be posted as separate posts, just because i'm anal that way and like to keep things structured lol. Let me know if you want them to be posted in any communities as well.
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