new mood theme: claire bennet season one: avaliable to download

Dec 08, 2007 00:18

Hi guys! Just letting you all know I have a new self-made mood theme, centering on the character of Claire Bennet from Heroes in season one. Since it's the first mood theme I'm completely 100% happy with, I'm allowing to be downloaded. :)


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ch: claire bennet, !mood theme, - heroes

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Comments 16

dani_blondy December 7 2007, 13:31:25 UTC
Not Snagging but Someone has been a Busy Little Bee.

Nice Theme Jess I do likey :)

Lots of Interesting Expressions from Hayden/Claire and the Nostalgic one in Black and White is Cute.


sparkfading December 7 2007, 13:34:35 UTC
Haha, yeah, I'm feeling oddly (but nicely) productive today. I've gotten fic, videos and a mood theme done, so yay! :D

Anyway, glad you liked it hon. :D:D


dani_blondy December 7 2007, 13:38:21 UTC
Lol Oddly and Nicely Eh tee Hee.

Congrats on all your work done today Hi'5's You.

Well it's not my Fandom but looks good.


sparkfading December 7 2007, 13:39:47 UTC
Haha, thanks! ♥


btvsbonesheroes December 7 2007, 22:08:17 UTC
I really like it!! I think I'll sue it, if I get my lazy but around to changing my mood theme =P


btvsbonesheroes December 7 2007, 22:08:52 UTC
I meant use, not sue. oops!!


sparkfading December 7 2007, 22:09:08 UTC
Haha, great, hope you enjoy it!


made_in_ink December 7 2007, 22:33:57 UTC
Gorgeous, hon!! You are seriously multi talented.


sparkfading December 7 2007, 22:35:16 UTC
Aww, thank you hon. ♥ I'm glad you like it.


megzchyna December 9 2007, 09:58:11 UTC
I love the Mood Theme, taking will credit when used.


sparkfading December 9 2007, 09:58:59 UTC
Great, enjoy!


gracent_dic December 19 2007, 07:54:40 UTC
I don't watch Heroes, but I'm pretty damn impressed with this theme. Most of the images seem to fit very well, and just the fact that you made an individual mood for each... mood... is impressive itself. (Cause I'm waay too lazy to make a full mood theme.)


sparkfading December 19 2007, 07:59:27 UTC
Aww, thank you so much hon! That means alot to me. But what can I say, Hayden makes it easy for me. ;)


gracent_dic December 19 2007, 08:05:05 UTC
You're more than welcome. :-)

It might just be me, but I was looking at your comm profile and the 'General Tag List - ' link is messed up. It's like... double-linked? *too tarded/tired to make sense* :-\


sparkfading December 19 2007, 08:19:55 UTC
LOL, I love your icon.

Ugh, I'll check it out. My profile hasn't been updated since I created this damn comm, so I shouldn't be surprised. Or maybe I should be - how the fuck did I or anybody else not notice before now?!


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