FIC: Fractured - 2/2, NC17, KU/OB (KU/HS, OB/VM), Lotrips

Dec 05, 2011 18:30

Title: Fractured (Part 2)
Authors: idiosyncratic & azewewish
Pairing: Karl Urban/Orlando Bloom (Karl Urban/Harry Sinclair, Orlando Bloom/Viggo Mortensen)
Rating: NC17
Summary: Need finally outweighs consequence
Disclaimer: And, Never happened.
Author's Notes: Yes, Brenda is evil. Jo loves her anyway. Inspired in part, by Cas' wonderful "Where We Are" fic series & a discussion about different OTPs with Lobelia from a long time back. Song lyrics by Nine Inch Nails

"Watching you
From across the way"

Karl sat back in the booth, lounging against Harry, and listened as Craig and Orlando argued about which was the better elf. They'd been at it for a good 15 minutes, and it would have been over long before now if not for Billy throwing in random comments. Karl rolled his eyes and chuckled as Billy slipped in another one, this time aimed at Craig.

"You're quiet tonight," Harry murmured, lips brushing Karl's ear, hand rubbing down a denim-covered thigh. Karl shivered, then shivered again when he glanced across the table and saw Orlando watching them. Dark eyes flashed for a moment, then turned back to Craig.

"Hard to get a word in when those two start," Karl replied, made a small gesture towards the two men. A foot connected with his ankle, and he jumped, looking around in an effort to determine who had just kicked him.

Craig smiled back beatifically. "Watch what you say, mate. We Elves have exceptional hearing."

Orlando nodded, teeth gleaming whiter than usual. "Especially Mirkwood Elves."

"Well, I donnae about all that," Billy replied.

"Are you saying I am not possessed of keen hearing?"

"No, but I am," Viggo stated, as he sat down beside Orlando.

Karl had to grin at the way Orlando jumped. "Humans one, Elves zero."

"Oh, sod off," Orlando grumbled good-naturedly, bumping his head against Viggo's shoulder. "Where the hell've you been?"

"I told you I'd be a bit late." Viggo's voice soothed, wrapped himself and Orlando in a tight cocoon that was painful to watch. Karl closed his eyes, rested against the comforting weight of Harry's arm.

"Your boy's been fretting," Craig said, laughing.

"I have not." Karl could hear the pout in Orlando's voice. He opened his eyes and noticed that Craig had hooked his feet around the legs of his chair. Just in time, too, as Orlando's foot swung out and missed.

"You were," Karl said, and grinned at the look Orlando gave him. He moved his own feet back, still grinning. Harry's arm squeezed his shoulders just a bit, and Karl wondered if his grin was frozen on his face. Because Orlando's grin certainly looked like it was frozen. Or maybe it wasn't. Karl wasn't quite sure.

"The lot of you can suck me." Orlando stood, gave Viggo a slight kiss. "Need anything from the bar, love?"

"A beer would be great." Viggo pulled Orlando closer, deepened the kiss. Karl forced himself to watch the way they moved together, flowed into each other. They made a striking couple. Fuck, the thought was depressing.

"Could you see your way clear to another one for me?" Billy asked, when Orlando finally lifted his head.

"I'll get another round for everyone," Orlando promised, licking his lips a bit as he smiled. It didn't quite reach his eyes.

"None for me," Harry said, waving the hand that wasn't busy rubbing Karl's shoulder and tricep. "Have to drive home."

"I'll take his," Craig offered with a broad smirk. Orlando just rolled his eyes and headed towards the bar.

Karl kept his eyes on the table by sheer force of will. He wasn't going to watch Orlando, wasn't going to watch the way that slender body moved so elegantly, so gracefully, as he walked. When he judged a safe time had passed, he lifted his eyes to look at Viggo.

"So what kept you?"

"Henry called on my way out the door."

"How's he doing?" Karl concentrated on the warmth of Harry's body, the deep reverberations of his voice as he spoke, the hand slowing stroking his arm. Didn't look out in the crowd, didn't search for a glimpse of a haphazard mohawk or loose jeans and a tight white t-shirt.

"Good. Thinking about flying out during his next break." Viggo's face softened with love as he traced patterns on the scarred surface of the table.

"It'll be nice to see him again," Billy commented, putting his feet on the edge of Craig's chair.

"Does this mean more pranks on the resident pretty elf?" Craig didn't even bother to look as he dropped his hand on top of Billy's ankles.

"Pranks? I have no idea what you're talking about." Viggo's attempt at an innocent smile had them all laughing loudly.

Karl shifted a bit, smiled when Harry's arm tightened around his shoulders again. He wasn't looking for Orlando. He wasn't. He was simply scanning the crowd to see if any of the other actors were there. The fact that his eyes jerked to a halt every time they encountered a white t-shirt meant nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"You alright?" Harry whispered, breath warm against Karl's ear.

"Yeah. Think I need to take a piss, though." Karl turned his lips into Harry's for a soft kiss, then stood. "Be right back."

He weaved his way through the crowded pub with ease, pushed the door open to the men's room. And collided with a solid body. "Sor..." The rest of the apology died in Karl's throat as he looked into Orlando's deep brown eyes.

"Hey." The one word was strained as Orlando held onto Karl's arm to keep from stumbling, sending sparks of heat shooting through Karl's body.

"Hey." Karl's hand automatically came up to steady Orlando, landing on his waist. He felt Orlando's heat seep through the thin shirt, seep into his palm, his fingers, crawl up his arm. The door swung shut behind him, blocking out the noise, but Karl didn't notice. Every sense, every cell in his body was focused on Orlando.

"I was just about to..." Orlando's voice faltered, breath quickened. Karl watched in fascination as the tip of Orlando's tongue darted out to lick dry lips. He wondered if it was possible to be jealous of a body part.

"Just about to?" Karl took a step forward, bringing his chest not quite into contact with Orlando's. Now he could feel Orlando's heat seeping into his entire body, creeping through, making his blood throb in his veins. Jesus. Shouldn't be doing this. Just walk past Orlando, do what needs to be done, then go back to the booth. Back to Harry. But Karl just stood there and watched Orlando's tongue move over his lips.

"Go back to the bar," Orlando finished, voice faint. Or maybe it was the rushing in Karl's ears. Orlando made a slight move to scoot past him, and their chests brushed together in a soft slide of cloth. Orlando bit his lip, groaned as he pressed forward again into the heat. "Oh God..."

"Don't think he has anything to do with this," Karl murmured, and then his lips were on Orlando's, his tongue sliding out to soothe where white teeth had bitten just seconds before. And there it was...sweet heat exploding through his body, just like the other times, just like in his dreams of late, dreams that left him awake, shaking, covered in sweat and reaching for Harry.

Slender fingers grabbed his arms, pulled him, tugged until Karl was against the stall door. Orlando's lips never left his, continued to weave their insidious dark magic on him, his tongue slipping, sliding, tempting him deeper into sin. Karl barely registered his low growl, was only aware of the firm flesh under his fingers as he delved under the waistband of Orlando's jeans, ran his hand over the jutting curve of Orlando's hip.

This was what he'd dreamed of, what he'd wanted, what he'd been unable to forget. Warm skin and sleek muscles under his hands, against his body, twisting and straining against him. His fingers delved deeper, stroking smooth skin, as Orlando's tongue teased his, coaxed it out of his mouth and into Orlando's. And then Orlando was sucking on his tongue, and the sensations shot straight to Karl's crotch, raced across his nerve endings.

Both parted, gasping, the sound unusually loud in the small space. "Jesus, but I can't get you out of my mind," Orlando whispered, scraping his nails down Karl's back, pressing into his hand.

"Haven't been able to stop thinking about you," Karl murmured, bending his head to trail his lips over Orlando's throat, back arching under Orlando's hands. "Not since," he continued, tongue tracing the whorls of Orlando's ear, "that first night..."

"...I dream about you..." Orlando groaned, parted his lips for Karl's tongue. What was it about this taste that haunted Karl's brain, his body? How was it possible to crave another person's taste while with someone who still had the power to make you burn?

Karl's tongue slid over Orlando's, explored his mouth with a languid thoroughness that had them both shaking when they parted. "You're all I dream about lately," Karl said, voice ragged. He took one look at Orlando and had to fight to keep from slamming him against the wall and ripping his clothes off. Face flushed, lips wet from Karl's mouth, eyes heavy lidded...the raw lust in those dark eyes had Karl aching in his jeans.

"God, don't...don't tell me that."

"It's true..." Karl's fingers stroked over a cheekbone, fingertips memorizing the feel of Orlando's skin. He couldn't remember the last time he'd dreamed of someone other than Orlando, couldn't remember the last time he'd woken in the middle of the night and reached for Harry because of Harry and not because of a dream that he couldn't control.

Orlando sighed into his touch, eyes fluttering shut. "We can't do this, Karl. I can't..." Another soft sigh, and Orlando's hands drifted from his back to his hips, pulled Karl in closer. "Want you so much..."

"I know," Karl breathed against Orlando's lips, splayed his hand against Orlando's cheek before sliding it down, around the back of his neck to pull him in for another kiss. And this kiss was different. Somehow, it was. Karl couldn't put his finger on it, couldn't figure it out, as Orlando's lips parted beneath his again.

Liquid heat pooled in his groin as they sampled and savored, rubbed against each other in tiny movements. Wanted to make time slow, stop, wanted to sink to his knees and worship Orlando until they were both begging for sanity, wanted Orlando fracturing around him, wanted...

"Karl? You in here, mate?"

Before Karl could so much as blink, Orlando was out of his arms and halfway across the floor. Karl's body ached, craved the lost contact, and it was a struggle to look calm as Billy's head poked around the door.

"Ah, there you are."

"Harry send out the search party or something?" Karl forced a teasing note into his voice, watching from the corner of his eye as Orlando flinched just the tiniest bit. He wanted to go to Orlando, pull him close again, explore every inch of the rest of him like he'd explored his mouth. But Karl saw the curiosity in green eyes and just stood there, smiling, hands deep in his pockets.

"Not quite." Billy's gaze darted back and forth between him and Orlando, head cocked slightly. "Did the party move in here while I wasn't looking?"

"I'm taking Vig to Auckland for a surprise weekend," Orlando said smoothly, rubbing the top of Billy's head. "Needed tourism notes. Why? You wanna join us?"

Billy snorted, wiggled out of Orlando's grasp. "No offense but the only Elf I want or need is out at the booth, not in here."

Karl had to give Orlando credit. He was a superb actor. If Karl hadn't known better, he'd have believed Orlando's story. But he knew what had caused the sparkle in those eyes, the faint flush that still lingered across sculpted cheekbones. And that knowledge was thrilling, seductive...and dangerous. Orlando was dangerous.

"Right," Karl murmured as he started towards the door. "We better get back before they really do send a search party." He glanced at Orlando, feigning a calm that he was nowhere close to feeling. "Anything else you need to know?"

"Not right now, no." And Orlando's smile was fleeting as he followed Billy out the door, back into the crowd. Back to Viggo.


"Maybe God will cover up his eyes"

Orlando woke up the next morning in minute degrees, became aware of his surroundings as he eyes slowly drifted open. Encountered a strange alarm clock, a strange room...and a different body curled around his, different breath fanning across the back of his neck. Orlando glanced down, saw a tanned hand thrown carelessly across his waist. It had really happened. He and Karl had...

"Morning, sleepyhead," Karl teased in a soft voice when Orlando tensed. His lips whispered across Orlando's shoulder as his arm tightened, drawing Orlando securely back against his chest.

"Morning," Orlando mumbled, body purring at the full-on contact, draping his hand over Karl's. "Thought I'd dreamed this."

"No, no dream." Karl chuckled in Orlando's ear, then kissed the side of his neck. Their fingers laced together as they rested on Orlando's stomach, and Karl shifted a bit, his hips rocking against Orlando.

"I see you're wide awake," Orlando teased, pushing back into Karl.

Another soft laugh brushed across Orlando's ear, making him shiver. "You complaining?" Karl asked, his tongue moving over the back of Orlando's neck in soft strokes.

What was the question again? "N-no...not at all..."

"Didn't think so." Karl's lips moved, touched that one spot, just under Orlando's ear. His fingers began to explore Orlando's stomach as his hips rocked, pressing against Orlando, and both gasped softly.

It shouldn't be possible to be breathless like this, to need like this after last night, but Orlando was so hard he was trembling. "Need to..." Oh God, how'd Karl do that? Orlando groaned, the sound thin. "...inside you..."

"Then do it," Karl whispered against Orlando's shoulder as his hand slid down to deliver one light, teasing stroke to Orlando's cock before pulling back to rest lightly at Orlando's waist.

"Roll over." Not a command, but a plea torn from Orlando's throat. Sighed in soft satisfaction as Karl turned, gave Orlando the bottle of lube. And waited while Orlando poured a bit on shaking fingers, groaned when Orlando slid two inside him. How was it possible to stand this much heat, to want this much? "How does this feel?" he whispered, rubbing the shell of Karl's ear between his lips.

"Fuck...fucking incredible," Karl gasped, hips pushing back as Orlando's fingers brushed that spot. He gripped the side of the bed, turned his head so Orlando's lips brushed his cheek.

"Good. How about..." Another slight wrist twist. "...this?"

"Jesus..." Karl's whole body arched, bringing a smile to Orlando's lips. ", Orlando..."

The sight of Karl, reduced to begging, had Orlando trembling so badly he dropped the bottle twice before he managed to coat his cock. "Just...hold..." A sharp hiss as the head of Orlando's cock slid inside an inferno of tightness. "Oh..."

"Oh...God..." Karl groaned deep in his throat, hand reaching back to claw at Orlando's thigh, hips pushing back in an unspoken plea. He turned his head a little more, looked at Orlando with hot eyes. "Come on..."

"Taking my time..." This time, Orlando wanted to drive Karl incoherent with need, this time he wanted that soft glide into warmth. Slowly, inch by inch, he moved, paused to savor every hitched gasp of breath, every patch of damp skin his fingers brushed, every small thrust of his cock inside Karl's body.

Fingers twisted so tight in the sheets that the knuckles turned white, and Karl growled softly, body arched back against Orlando. He murmured under his breath, closed his eyes tight, gentled his grip on Orlando's thigh. A soft gasp was torn from his lips as Orlando shifted just a bit, pushed just a little deeper inside him.

Relentless, yet delicate...every thrust was meant to tantalize, every soft kiss was meant to awaken. Orlando's entire universe was on this bed, in his arms. "So good..." he breathed, tiny tremors rippling under his skin. Thought he could spend the rest of eternity inside Karl, moving just like this.

"God...Orlando..." Karl moaned, eyes still closed. His hand moved, slid from Orlando's leg, came around to enclose his cock and stroke it slowly, moving in time with the rhythm Orlando set. " Feels so...."

"Yeah..." Orlando placed his hand over Karl's, moved with him, in him. Rolled toward the edge with shifting hips, achingly slow thrusts. Couldn't hold back the inevitable wave, just fractured...."Oh God, Karl..."

Karl's hips rocked back against Orlando as he sped up their joined hands on his cock. Soft moans, then a sharp gasp when Orlando's teeth closed over the juncture of shoulder and neck. "Fuck...Orlando..." Just like that, Karl stiffened, trembling a bit, chanting Orlando's name in a ragged voice as he spilled over their fingers.

Orlando had no idea how long he rode the wave of afterglow, body humming, sated. "Love you," he whispered, sucking on his fingers, tasting salt and musk.

"Love you," Karl replied, turning, pulling Orlando closer, tongue snaking out to lick at Orlando's fingers before sliding into his mouth for a lazy kiss.

"Breakfast?" Suddenly, Orlando was starving. Had they even eaten yesterday?

Karl grinned. "You want me to feed you, too? Damn...pushy bugger, aren't you?"

"Yep." Orlando smacked Karl's left cheek as he rolled out of bed, headed for the bathroom. "I at least expect coffee to be brewing when I'm done."

Karl laughed and rolled out of bed, dragging on a pair of loose sweat pants before poking his head in the bathroom door. "That's extra sausage for you, right?"

Orlando grinned, spit out a mouthful of toothpaste. "Nah, I'm a vegan, remember?" he winked.

"Mmmm..." Karl just smirked and tapped the tip of Orlando's nose with a finger. "Guess I'll just have to figure out something else then," he said over his shoulder as he started towards the kitchen.

Orlando could only shake his head, smiling as he washed his face. He shouldn't be so goddamn giddy. This wasn't amusing. In less than seven hours, he'd be breaking Viggo's heart. Not to mention Harry's. The thought sobered him as he tossed on the pair of loose-fitting pajama bottoms Karl had left on the bed, trotted down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Coffee should be just about ready," Karl said, not turning from the stove as Orlando walked into the kitchen. "Breakfast will be..." He glanced over, trailed off, eyes studying Orlando's face closely. "What's wrong?"

"What are we going to do?" Orlando asked, slumping in a chair. He leaned elbows on the table, regarded Karl soberly. "I'm a bit lost here."

Karl turned his attention back to the pan. "We're going to tell them." He paused, then shrugged as he slid a pancake from the skillet onto a waiting plate. "What else can we do? We both know there's no hiding what happened."

"Yeah, but how?" And how could Karl be so calm? Orlando was back to shaking, and not from desire. Raw fear skittered up his spine, had him chewing his lower lip.

Karl must have heard the fear in his voice. Without pausing, he placed the skillet on a cool burner and grabbed a chair, dragging it over in front of Orlando. "I don't know how yet," Karl said, voice soft and faintly strained. His hands enclosed Orlando's, brought them to his lips. "But we're going to do it together. I'm not living a lie any longer."

Orlando's short bark of laughter was tinged with desperation. "It's not that simple. Viggo...he's not going to take this well. At all."

"You think Harry's going to take it any better?" Soft lips touched Orlando's knuckles as dark, intent eyes watched Orlando's face. "I hate that I'm going to hurt him. But...I can't just go back to the way things were."

Orlando brushed a stray lock of hair from Karl's forehead, eyes soft. "I'm not going back. I made my choice the second I dropped to my knees."

"And I made mine when I didn't tell you to leave." Karl smiled a little, leaned forward to brush his lips across Orlando's. "We'll tell them together."

Another shuddering breath. "Alright." Orlando could face this as long as Karl was with him. He smiled, leaned back. "You said something about coffee?"

"Yeah," Karl replied, grinning. "And pancakes and fresh fruit." He stood, moved to fetch their plates.

Orlando stood, grabbed two coffee mugs. "Sounds great."


"I cannot make this feeling go away"

"You leaving now?" Karl looked up from his newspaper as Harry walked into the living room, bag in hand.

"Yeah." Harry leaned down for a swift kiss, then started for the door. Karl bounced off the sofa and followed him. "I'll be back a little after noon tomorrow."

"I know." Karl leaned against the doorframe, smiled at Harry. He opened his mouth, started to speak, and then a Jeep turned into the driveway. Oh... What the hell... He stiffened, hoped Harry hadn't noticed it as the Jeep pulled to a halt and Orlando climbed out of it.

"Orlando!" Harry's greeting was warm as he enveloped the other man in a hug. "Good, you can keep Karl company."

"What?" Orlando's gaze darted back and forth between Karl and Harry. "I thought you were leaving tonight?"

"Change of plans," Harry explained, hefting his bag and smiling.

Keep him...fuck. Not a good idea. Karl forced a bland smile on his face, shoved his hands deep in his pockets. "Yeah, he's abandoning me now instead of later."

"Oh." Orlando looked down at his feet for a long moment, and when he lifted his head, his smile was a shade too bright. "'m sure I'll think of something to do."

"Two of you should go out tonight, relax," Harry said, starting towards his car. "You know you can crash here if you need to, Orlando."

Oh...very bad idea. Karl's eyes skated away from Orlando's, moved to rest on Harry. "Not often we have two days off in a row. Orlando'll be wanting to spend them with Viggo."

"Viggo's shooting Weathertop." Oh, Christ...

"Late shooting." Harry slung his bag into the car, and paused. "Just stay here tonight then. You can keep Karl out of trouble."

"Sure," Karl said, wondered if his voice sounded as weak as he thought it did. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He caught Harry's wink and smiled in return. Orlando. In the house. Overnight. Alone. With him. Fuck....

"I'll see you tomorrow." A brief, hard kiss and Harry was gone, driving away. Leaving Karl alone. With Orlando. And no distractions.

Karl sighed, pushed open the door with his foot. "Come on in," he said as he turned. Didn't have to look to know Orlando was following him.

"Well..." Orlando cupped the back of his neck, peered up at Karl. "Look, um...I don't..."

"What?" Orlando seemed nervous. Not that Karl could blame him. He was pretty damn nervous himself. Jesus...just like Harry to walk out and drop this in his lap all unknowing.

"I," Orlando replied in a hesitant voice.

Karl paused, then sighed. "No, you don't have to." He dropped onto the sofa, rubbed his eyes. Fuck. Just...fuck. He was so in trouble. "What brings you over here this morning?

"I was..." Orlando perched on the adjoining chair, hands clenched. "I was going to invite you and Harry to lunch. Bit lonely without the hobbits..."

"Harry just left," Karl pointed out with a grin. Lunch? Sounded innocent enough. And out in public... "But, you know, I can...if you want..."

Orlando lifted his head, a combination of relief, dread and some other nameless thing on his features, and sighed heavily. "I want." Somehow Karl didn't think he was talking about food anymore.

"Alright...any particular place you'd like to go?" Karl watched Orlando watching him, tried not to think of the few feet separating them. It scared him a little to realize that he hoped Orlando's words meant more than surface value.

Orlando shook his head. "N-no." He licked his lips a bit, stood. Karl tried not to follow the path of that pink tongue.

"There's a new place about ten minutes from here," Karl said, giving up and letting his eyes linger on Orlando's mouth. "Been meaning to try it."

"New is...good." Orlando cleared his throat, body coiled, tense. "Shall we?"

"Yeah..." Karl answered the question on all possible levels, and he sensed that Orlando realized that. He stood, and they paused, watching each other, feeling something shift between them. Then Karl picked up his sunglasses, slid them on, smiled. "You want to drive?"

Orlando strode to him, loose-limbed stride a study in seduction. "Yeah," he stated, tossing Karl's sunglasses back on the coffee table. Then those long, tapered fingers jerked Karl to him, crushed his mouth in a fierce kiss.

Oh...fuck... Karl arms wrapped around Orlando's slender frame, pulled him close as tongues danced and slid around each other. A slow burn started inside him, matched by the slow burn of Orlando's skin through the layers of clothes.

Orlando broke the kiss, took a hard look in Karl's eyes, gaze direct, hungry. And it stole Karl's breath, swamped his senses with the heady flavor of need. "I want..."

"What?" Karl shivered a bit at the look in Orlando's eyes. Christ...he wanted Orlando. Had wanted him for so long. But it was wrong...

Orlando dropped to his knees, the sight painfully erotic. Karl's mouth went dry, his heart stopped. "We shouldn't be," Orlando said, licking his lips as he glanced up.

"No, we shouldn't..." Karl's eyes followed Orlando's tongue, and he remembered the feel of it against his. As if they belonged to someone else, his hands moved, fingers touching and stroking the dark fuzz on Orlando's scalp. This was wrong. So wrong. But he knew he couldn't stop. Not now.

Orlando looked at him again for another long moment, eyes full of lust, yearning, hunger, repressed longing, fractured desire...everything Karl was feeling, reflected right back at him. Orlando licked his lips again, chest swaying toward Karl's thighs. "I don't care."

He didn't care. Karl looked into those eyes, lost himself in their depths. And suddenly, it didn't matter anymore. "I don't either," he whispered, fingertips caressing Orlando's scalp.

The next thing he knew, Orlando had his jeans unzipped and was taking Karl's cock deep in his throat.


"All of my excuses turn to lies"

"Fancy seeing you here, mate," Harry said as he crawled out of his car. Vig walked across the few feet separating them, grinning. "Come to collect your elf?"

"Yeah," Viggo laughed. "I was thinking the four of us could grab some lunch."

"Sounds good to me." Harry pulled his bag out, started towards the front door. God, it felt good to be back home. Even if it had been only one night away.

"So, where'd you head off to?" Viggo asked, as they walked through the door.

"Flew to Sydney for the day. Press conference for 'Price'." Harry dropped his bag on the foyer floor, glanced around. "Karl?"

"In the kitchen!" Sounded a bit strained...odd that.

"Come on." Harry motioned for Viggo to follow him, then strolled into the kitchen.

"Hey you," Karl said, not moving from where he leaned against the counter. That was odd. More than, actually. Karl always greeted him with a kiss when he'd been gone.

"Hey, Harry, Vig," Orlando said, voice soft, eyes on the kitchen table as he sat there, hands clenched together in front of him.

"You two have fun?" Viggo was glancing back and forth between Karl and Orlando, smile a bit awkward as he placed a kiss on Orlando's head. Frowned when Orlando flinched...slight, but there. Blood started chilling in Harry's veins. Something was very wrong.

"Yeah," Karl mumbled, shrugged. "Much fun as two blokes can have staying home on their night off."

"Karl?" Harry stepped closer, watched as Karl looked at him, but never met his eyes. Ice crept up his spine as he realized that Karl's eyes kept moving back to Orlando.

"So how'd the shooting go, Vig?" Karl slid down the counter, towards Harry, eyes fastening on Viggo.

"It was good. Long." Viggo glanced helplessly at Harry as he sank into the chair next to Orlando. Harry shook his head slightly. He had no idea.

"How're the guys?" Orlando mumbled, gaze darting at Viggo before resting on Karl for a brief moment.

"Good. Send their love." Viggo was peering closely at Orlando's neck, and Harry stepped in for a look.

"Quite a bruise you've got there," he commented. The first faint beginnings of an awful suspicion started weaving through Harry's brain, and he shoved it back ruthlessly. There was no way. It wasn't possible.

"What?" Orlando tensed, eyes flickering to Harry's, back down to his lap. "Um..."

"Orlando..." Viggo's soft voice was loud in the sudden silence. " okay?"

"M'fine," Orlando mumbled, shifted restlessly in his chair. His fingers clenched, unclenched, danced on the tabletop.

"Looks like something bit you," Harry stated. Not something. Someone. His eyes slid to Karl, took in the wide eyes and pale face. What the hell was going on? He turned back to Orlando, watched dark eyes shift away from Karl. And suddenly wasn't sure he wanted to know.

"Must've happened last night. In his sleep or something," Karl said, taking a step forward. Right. Last night. Doubtful it was in his sleep, though. Harry squashed that thought. No.

Viggo traced a light finger along the bruise, curled his finger along the collar of Orlando's shirt. Harry watched in quiet fascination as Orlando stilled, breath hitched as Viggo revealed another purplish bruise, this one slightly below the first. "Jesus, Orlando..." Viggo's voice was barely a whisper.

Orlando licked his lips, blinked slowly, hand poised to cup over Viggo's before pulling back. "I'm sorry."

Sorry for what?

Karl sucked in his breath, took a step forward, froze when Harry looked at him. His expression... "Harry, I...."

"Karl, what the hell is going on here?" More ice up his spine when Karl flinched and Orlando made a soft, distressed sound, felt the slow fracture of his soul.

"This isn't..." Viggo shook his head, normally calm features looking achingly vulnerable. "Tell me this isn't..."

"I'm so sorry, Vig," Orlando repeated, not looking up from his hands.

"Sorry?" Viggo's voice rose slightly. "Fuck your sorry, Orlando. Tell me what's going on."

"Don't..." Karl bit off his words, turned away. Harry's eyes took in the stiff spine, moved back to take in Orlando's still bent head.

"Don't what, Karl?" Calm. That was it. Just remain calm. There was an explanation for all this.

"Don't yell at him." Karl turned back, shoulders slumped a little. He pulled out a chair, sat down across from Orlando. "Harry...I'm sorry."

"How long?"

"Viggo, don't..."

"Don't you fucking dare," Viggo growled, cutting off Orlando's plea. "How fucking long?"

Karl ran a hand through his hair, glanced up at Harry before looking at Viggo. "Last night was the first time..."

Harry turned away, moved to stand by the window. He wondered why it was so sunny outside. Sunshine that bright was for good days. And this was most assuredly not a good day.

"First time?" Harry turned slightly, saw Viggo tilt his head back, glance at the ceiling. Watched in a haze-filled shock as Orlando tried to place his hand over Viggo's, watched as Viggo threw it off, stood. "Don't touch me."

"Vig, I..."

"Not another word." Viggo's hands were clenched, body wired through with tension. Harry was surprised Viggo wasn't shaking with it. Was surprised he wasn't shaking himself.

"Yes, first time," Karl repeated, rising halfway from his chair. "Nothing happened between us before last night. Well, nothing much."

Harry turned at the last, mumbled words. Nothing much? Instead of saying anything, he just stood there, hands loose by his sides, eyes moving between Karl and Orlando. Nothing much. But something. Oh, yes...definitely something. "Nothing much?" Harry was startled by his own voice. "Define 'nothing much', please."

"I..." Karl trailed off, slowly sank back into his chair. Harry watched as one hand twitched on the table. "Couple kisses here and there."

"I can't fucking believe we're having this conversation." Viggo whirled around, eyes pinning Karl to his chair. "We're defining cheating in degrees now?"

"It wasn't like that..."

Viggo never took his gaze off of Karl. But the temperature in the room dropped again. "Orlando...don't talk."

"Stop yelling at him." Karl's voice was quiet, his body tense as he sat there watching Viggo. So protective of Orlando. Harry wondered about that, wondered when it would hurt, was surprised that it didn't already. Or maybe it did and he just couldn't feel it through the ice.

"How long?"

Karl's head snapped around at Harry's soft question. "What?"

"How long has 'nothing much' been going on?" Harry never moved, never looked away from his lover's...ha, his lover...eyes. So he wasn't surprised to see the guilt flash through the hazel depths.

"About a year," Karl replied, voice so low Harry almost had to strain to hear him.

"A year? But that would mean..."

"Yeah. That would mean." Orlando didn't look up from his hands as he answered Viggo's question.

"Jesus." Viggo sounded incredulous. "The first day you met, I guess? What, eyes meeting across a crowded room and all of that bullshit?" Each sharply delivered word had Orlando flinching, Harry's blood thinning.

"Why?" Harry asked, waited patiently for an answer he wasn't sure he wanted to hear.

Karl sighed, dropped his head a bit. He didn't ask for an explanation, and Harry didn't offer one. He didn't have to. Karl knew exactly what he meant. "Because I couldn't not do it. We fought it for a year, and..."

Viggo slammed his hands down on the table, face inches from Karl's. "And it didn't occur to either one of you to end things with us before you fucked each other? You selfish, stupid son of a bitch."

And Harry didn't even have enough feeling left to be shocked when Viggo reared back, and his fist connected with Karl's jaw.


"And I know it's not the good thing"

Karl's head snapped around as his chair shifted, almost dumping him on the floor. And all Harry could do was stand there and watch.

"Viggo!" Orlando came half to his feet, halting when Karl lifted a hand, the other going to his jaw.

"No, Orlando," Karl said, rubbing his jaw and eyeing Viggo. "Feel better now?"

"Not quite." Viggo hit Karl again, this time a bit harder, sending him sprawling on the linoleum.

"Vig...stop it!"

"Orlando, stay out of this." Viggo's voice was a snarl, as he stalked to Karl, hauled him up to his feet.

"Go ahead," Karl said, voice soft as his hands closed around Viggo's wrists.

"Aren't you going to do something?"

Harry looked at Orlando, stared at him as if he'd just suddenly appeared. Then his eyes went back to Karl and Viggo, and he could tell by Karl's expression what he was doing, what he was trying to do. Harry wasn't so sure it would work. Not this time.

"Harry? Do something!"


He watched in silent fascination as Viggo delivered another punch to Karl's ribs, sent him sprawling back on the floor.

"Don't think that I'm quite finished," Viggo panted, eyes narrowing. "But I'm done with you for the moment." He whirled to Orlando, pinned him with a gaze filled with something beyond heartbreak. It would have shattered Harry, if he'd had any emotion left to shatter. "Why?"

Orlando licked his lips and shrugged, the gesture impossibly young. "Why does anything like this happen?"

"Leave him alone, Vig," Karl wheezed, pushing to his feet, glaring at Viggo. Oh, good. So he was going to display some emotion after all. Harry just continued to watch, still silent, still unmoving.


"No, Orlando," Karl said, holding his ribs with one hand. "I'm the one who kept pushing him. I'm the one who couldn't just walk away and leave it alone." Harry could just feel the knife twisting inside him. He stared, couldn't have formed words if his life had depended on it when those hazel eyes met his. "I'm sorry."

"Don't do this." Orlando turned back to Viggo, set his shoulders. "I could have stopped him. I pursued this just as much as he did."

Didn't want to hear this...hearing made it real. All too easy to imagine the dance and sway, the two of them getting closer and closer with each turn. All too easy to twist every not-so-innocent word and gesture into a foreplay that culminated in the fracturing of Harry's heart.

"And why couldn't you say anything?"

"Because saying would have made it real," Orlando replied, his sad gaze still on Viggo. "And neither one of us wanted it to be real."

"Until last night, it wasn't real." Karl dropped heavily into his chair, leaning forward, putting his head in his hands. "I didn't want this to happen. Orlando didn't want this to happen."

"But it did." Harry was startled by his own voice, but he didn't move. No, still way too frozen for that. All he could do was watch.

"But it did," Karl repeated, voice low, head still in his hands. He didn't look up, didn't look at any of them.

"So, now what?" Good question. Harry didn't even want to think of the answer. He had only to look around this room, this cozy kitchen, to see the shattered pieces of a life built together, of a relationship built on love and trust and a thousand tiny details that wove together a fabric of a life. All of it ripped apart in an instant.

"I don't know, Vig," Orlando answered. "I'm sorry."

"Like that means anything." Viggo raked his hand through his hair, shook his head. "I gave you everything I had. Everything."

"I know."

"Vig...Harry...we didn't mean for this to happen." Karl looked up, his eyes moving from one to the other, a bruise rapidly forming on his jaw. "We didn't mean to fall in..."

Harry froze again. Didn't need to hear the end of that sentence. He already knew. And he wondered why it still didn't hurt yet.

"I don't want to hear it." Thankfully, Viggo interrupted. "I don't want to hear any of it." He turned back to Orlando. "I just want you out of my house by the time I get back."

Harry watched in silence as Viggo left the room. "Well," he said, leaning against the counter. "That went over well."

"Harry, I..."

"Save it, Orlando. I know. You're sorry." Harry waved him off, looked at the man he'd called his friend without a shred of emotion. "And I'm sure you are. But not sorry enough."

Karl stood, raked his hands through his hair. "Harry, don't. Please."

"Don't?" How ironic that Karl could use that word now, when he'd obviously not used it much in the past year. "Please?"

"I..." Karl paused, seemed to be trying to collect his thoughts. Then he looked straight at Harry, didn't flinch away from his gaze. "I never meant to hurt you. Ever."

"And yet you fucked one of my friends in my house."

Karl didn't even flinch. Harry had to hand it to him. "It wasn't..."

"Don't lie." Orlando's soft voice cut through the room, cracking the ice surrounding Harry's heart. "It was exactly like that. That's exactly what happened."


Harry cut Karl off before he could get more than Orlando's name out. Didn't want to hear that voice just now. "So you're saying that you threw away your relationship with Viggo for a quick fuck?" Had to admit, he was impressed. Orlando was either a better actor than he'd credited him for...or he was a hell of a lot colder than anyone imagined. "That's all this was?"

Karl tried again. "Harry..."

"No, that's not all it was." Orlando didn't move, didn't break his gaze away from Harry. "But, it would make you feel better."

"What would make me feel better would be to have my life back. Don't think that's going to happen, though. Do you?"

"Stop, please," Karl said, finally stepping between them. "Nothing is going to change what happened."

Harry said nothing, just shifted as he leaned against the counter. He didn't want it changed. He wanted it erased, wanted it to have never happened. Again, he wondered when it would start to hurt.

"The question now," Karl continued, not looking at either of them, "is where do we go from here?"

"Did you not think about that?"

"Not really, no. We just..." Orlando sighed, sank back into his chair. "We were just tired of lying."

Tired of lying. Harry supposed they'd also been tired of not sleeping together. Well, they'd certainly taken care of that one.

"Tell me you didn't fuck him in our bed."

Karl's head snapped around, his eyes stark in his pale face. "No, I didn't," he said in a strained voice. "I'm not a completely insensitive bastard."

"Well that's a relief to know." Harry could hear the faint sarcasm coloring his words, and hated it. Hated it almost as much as he hated this entire fucking mess.

"Look, we're not going to solve anything right now." Orlando raked a hand across his scalp. "Why don't we just...?"

"There is no 'we', Orlando," Harry interrupted, every word carefully enunciated. "You two took care of that."

"You're right." Orlando sighed, and stood again. "I should go anyway. I need to...yeah, well, anyway. I should go."

Karl looked at Orlando, seemed to hesitate. Harry promised himself that he wouldn't react if Karl went to the other man. He wouldn't.

"Harry," Karl said, soft voice catching Harry's attention once more. "Do you want me to stay, or should I go with Orlando?"

"Karl..." Orlando trailed off, eyes wide, when Karl made a small gesture.

"A pity you didn't ask me this yesterday." And now, finally, it was starting to hurt. Little cracks were spider-webbing throughout Harry's body, allowing a thousand tiny shards of pain inside. Fuck, but he hadn't wanted this. Had wanted to stay numb forever.

"You should stay." Orlando looked back and forth between the both of them.

Harry could have told him not to bother. There was no reason for Karl to stay. None at all.

"You weren't here yesterday," Karl said in a low voice. He sighed, dragged his fingers through his hair again.

Harry felt his own fingers itch to rake through those dark strands and...oh. That hurt. The image of Orlando's fingers running through Karl's hair flashed in front of his eyes, and he almost gasped from the pain.

"I...I'll have my things out by tomorrow." Karl's voice was barely audible as he turned, started out of the kitchen. And Harry watched as Orlando's hand touched Karl's arm and stopped him there, in the doorway.

Karl shook his head slightly. "Not right now."

"You will need to do it, though."

Karl nodded, brushed his hand against Orlando's. Harry felt the pain of that simple contact down to his blood. "I know."

"I presume he's not talking about moving your things out," Harry said, pushing away from the counter and walking to the window. He couldn't look at them standing there, touching each other, looking at each other.

There was a long, drawn out silence behind him, but Harry refused to turn around. No. He wasn't going to do it, wasn't going to give in to the urge to look at Karl standing there, battered and tired.

"I'll be back later. Get my stuff. Talk."

Harry waited another few minutes after the door had shut to turn around. The sudden silence...the emptiness...mocked him. "Fuck..."

He finally gave into the urge to sink to the floor.

character: harry sinclair, character: orlando bloom, written with: brenda, character: karl urban, fic: lotrips, character: viggo mortensen

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