[dark angel] torn, max/alec, max/logan

Nov 25, 2007 19:21

Title: Torn
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR15
Pairing/Characters: Max Guevera, implied Max/Alec, implied Max/Logan
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee and company.
Prompts: 100_women - #16 (love) & #17 (lust)
Notes: Set after 2x21 Freak Nation.
Summary: Max is torn between love and lust.


What she shares with Alec isn’t about love, instead it’s about lust. It started when she had went into heat when they were on a supply run together. It was horribly clichéd but at the time she hadn’t really cared about anything other than having Alec naked and underneath her. Afterwards there had been none of the awkwardness that she would have expected. Instead Alec acted as if nothing had happened. They’d made their back to Terminal City with the supplies and she had thought that was the end of it. Alec surprised her though when he kept coming back to her small room close to the command central at Terminal City. They never spoke about their brief encounters, not before, during or after. They were too busy trying to keep everything under control to discuss their random encounters that gave them what they both needed.


The hardest times for Max are when she to speak to Logan either in person or over the video feed. She’s certain that he suspects that something is happening between her and Alec, yet he never voices his suspicions. Max is grateful for his silence since she’s not quite sure what she would say to him if he did ask. They still love one another, despite what she has going with Alec, and what he might possibly have with Asha. However the virus still stands in their way, even if she could solve all of the problems at Terminal City tomorrow, Max knows that she’d still need Alec to be able to talk to Logan. They can’t touch in even the simplest way and their love becomes confusing and frustrating, so it’s only natural that they turn to someone else. Whenever she leaves Logan or turns off the computer after one of their conversation, Max wonders if he tells himself that what he possibly has with Asha is just about lust since he loves Max just like she tells herself the same thing about Alec.


pairing: max guevera/logan cale, community: 100_women, pairings: max (x5-452)/alec (x5-494), fandom: dark angel

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