[supernatural] the first hunt, gen!fic

Nov 25, 2007 19:17

Title: The First Hunt
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Jo Harvelle
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
Prompts: 100_women - #15 (fear)
Notes: set pre-series.
Summary: Jo’s first hunt wasn’t that successful.

The first time that Jo Harvelle had gone on a hunt, she had only been thirteen years old and she had climbed out of her bedroom window to follow a pair of hunters that had been on the trail of a werewolf. Her mother had expressly forbidden her from leaving the Roadhouse once dusk had fallen, but Jo was tired of being treated like a baby by her mother. Everything had started out fine, she had carefully followed the hunters as the hunted their prey. She was quiet and careful to avoid detection, making sure that she lagged behind them.

The full moon provided her enough light to ensure that she couldn’t easily lose them. It wasn’t until she heard the soft growling coming from behind her that Jo felt fear. She had turned around only to find the werewolf was behind her, and she had screamed suddenly forgetting everything that the hunters that had come to the Roadhouse had taught her. Jo remembers running as fast as she can, her breath coming out in ragged gasps as she tried to reach the hunters. She tripped on a branch and was certain that she was going to die before one of the hunters started shooting at the werewolf.

Jo doesn’t really remember getting home that night. All she has are vague flashes of memory. She remembers how the werewolf turned into a human as it died and she remembers crying because it seemed wrong. She remembers her mother yelling at her for her foolishness and she remembers the overwhelming sense of fear that she felt for the longest time. But as the months past, the fear faded away as did Ellen’s anger, and soon enough Jo started training with the hunters that passed through the Roadhouse in earnest. And before too long, Jo wanted to be a hunter again just like her father had been.


community: 100_women, fandom: supernatural, character: jo harvelle

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