[buffyverse] in joy & sorrow, gen!fic

Nov 25, 2007 19:11

Title: In Joy & Sorrow
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Dawn Summers
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 100_women - #12 (tears) & #13 (laughter)
Notes: Set post-Season Seven, non-Season Eight complaint.
Summary: She had thought that she would have been prepared for the news that Willow was telling her.


She had thought that she would have been prepared for the news that Willow was telling her. She had mistakenly thought that she would have been able to accept the news of her sister’s death with grace instead of completely breaking down. It wasn’t the first time that Buffy had died, not by a long shot, but Dawn still felt as if her heart had just been ripped out of her chest. Her beautiful and brave sister had died and now there was an empty void stretching out in front of Dawn. She barely felt Willow’s arms wrapping around her as she sank to the floor, tears streaming down her face as she inarticulately asked Willow how it had happened. It just wasn’t fair that Buffy had died saving the world again and that no one but a few close friends would recognize the sacrifices she had made over and over again.


Two years had passed since Willow had brought her the news that had shattered her life, and somehow Dawn had found the inner strength to struggle on. Some days were better than others, and some were dark and bleak causing her to wonder why she did. There wasn’t a day that didn’t pass that she didn’t miss Buffy. And sometimes she’d break down into tears when something happened that she couldn’t wait to tell Buffy about. There had been so many moments full of joy where she had cried because Buffy hadn’t been there to share in her joy. And it was always Willow that Dawn went to, because it was the red-haired witch who would make her laugh and make her realize that life was okay even without the vibrant and very much alive Buffy Summers in it. Dawn was slowly healing even though she knew that there’d always be a Buffy-shaped hole in her life.


community: 100_women, character: dawn summers, fandom: buffyverse

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