Title: Burden
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Buffy Summers
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
100_women - #11 (only)
Notes: Set during the first season.
Summary: Buffy is the only one who can carry the full weight of her burden
There are very few days when she doesn’t despise her destiny, the burden that’s been metaphysically forced upon her. There are days when she just wants to stay in bed with the covers pulled over her head unconcerned about what the forces of evil are doing to Sunnydale. On those mornings, her mother always unwittingly drags her out of bed on the pretext that Buffy has to go to school. The worse days are those when she contemplates throwing a few essentials into a back pack and just catching the first Greyhound bus out of Sunnydale and leaving the town to its fate. She has been forced to carry a burden that only she can carry, despite the fact that she has a Watcher and understanding friends who help her to slay the demons. In the end, only Buffy Summers can be the Slayer no matter how much her friends help her and it’s a burden that she would gladly give away.