[buffyverse] first & last, gen!fic

Nov 25, 2007 18:28

Title: First & Last
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 100_women - #9 (first) & #10 (last)
Notes: Set pre-Season Three and post-series.
Summary: Faith deals with her place as a Slayer.


Faith had always known that she wasn’t the first Slayer. She had been dreaming about the girls who had come before her since she was a small girl, and those strong warriors had kept her alive when she had wanted to give up. But when she finds out that Buffy Summers had managed to cheat death, a tiny part of Faith dies on the inside. She’s no longer first in the eyes of the Council, and Faith knows that she’s nothing more than cannon fodder for the more experienced and capable Buffy Summers. That knowledge burns in her stomach as she watches her Watcher die and as she travels across the United States running from very own personal demon that resentment grows and grows until it threatens to consume her entirely.


Faith had never thought that she’d live to be the very last Slayer. Yet over the course of the last ten years, she’s seen nothing but the death of her sisters. So many girls have died since Willow had cast the spell that had awoken the Potentials when they were battling the First back in Sunnydale.

She’s forgotten so many names but she remembers each of the deaths that she witnessed. There was the little blonde girl from Wyoming who was barely eleven years old when her first vampire ripped her throat out. There was the thirty year old woman from Alaska with mousy brown hair and eyes who was ripped in half by a chaos demon. There was Buffy who was shot in the heart by a mugger when she was out on a date with a normal man. And Kennedy who died of cancer only two years after they had successfully brought down the First.

And now it’s just Faith and Willow, the last two remaining soldiers from the army that Buffy had raised back in Sunnydale. The girl that Faith once was who had been consumed by rage for not being first has also died, in her place is a bitter woman who’s consumed by the deaths that she’s seen. The balance of evil and good has caused her to lose so much in a war that was forced on her by mystical powers.


community: 100_women, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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