Title: Grown Apart
aaronlisaFandom: Harry Potter
Pairing/Characters: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and company.
Prompts: Written for the VRD challenge at
5_prompts for the prompt of orange marmalade.
Notes: Set post Deathly Hallows, this deals with Hermione and Ron breaking up.
Summary: She’s oddly relieved that things are over.
Word Count: 572
She goes through the motions as she spreads the orange marmalade on her toast as her boyfriend’s words sink in. There’s a part of her that realizes that she’s numb even as she dips her knife into the jar for more of the sticky condiment. Yet she still can’t respond to the fact that he’s just told her that he thinks they should break up. In the end, Hermione isn’t really sure what there is to say. They’ve been dating for about five years nor and she had secretly thought that perhaps they weren’t really made for one another. But she hadn’t said anything because everyone else always thought they made such a perfect couple.
Hermione sets her knife down on the table and she stares at her toast covered in orange marmalade and she realizes that she’s never really liked the stuff to begin with. She only ever ate it because Ron liked it better than the black currant jam she preferred. Hermione wonders when her whole life became about doing whatever Ron liked better.
“Are you even listening to me?” Ron asks.
His earlier words weren’t angry, instead they were plain and to the point, spoken as he set the china teapot her grandmother had given her years ago on the table. Hermione looks up at him, her ex-boyfriend now, and nods in response. She’s still too numb to trust her mouth.
“I’m sorry Hermione,” Ron quietly apologizes.
She’s sorry as well, although she can’t be certain if she’s sorry that their relationship is ending like this now or if it’s because she’s sorry that she’s wasted the last five years in a relationship that she knew was going nowhere. Everything’s quiet as Ron takes the jar of marmalade and spreads some on his toast and she suspects that he’s feeling just as numb as she is. Hermione almost asks him why but he answers it before she can ask.
“There’s no one else, I promise you that,” Ron tells her. “It’s just last night at Harry’s, I realized that we don’t want the same things out of life. It’s not fair to either of us.”
“No, it’s not.”
He moves his hand to rest on top of her hand on the table and her eyes well up with tears. There’s a part of her that thinks that this should hurt more but she’s oddly relieved that things are over.
Neither of them go into work, instead they find themselves sitting on their sofa together, her head in his lap as he strokes her curls. They watch the fire as it snaps and crackles. They’re both single now but neither of them know how to move forward. Hermione’s sure that Ron’s heart is feeling as broken as her does right now. She almost wishes that they could have had a fight, something to ease this sweet awkwardness that they seem to be trapped in.
“I’ll move into Harry’s tomorrow,” Ron tells her.
“I should move into Ginny’s,” She replies.
“If you do that, Mum and Ginny’ll gang up on you.”
“Are you sure we’re doing the right thing?”
Ron pulls her up so that she’s curled up on his lap with his arms wrapped around them, even now they’re still best friends.
She’s not sure how long they stay like that and she doesn’t care. Right now, she needs her best friend more than anything else in the world.