Title: Three Journeys
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max Guevera (X5-452)
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee, and company.
100_women - #6 (past), #7 (present), #8 (future)
Notes: General spoilers for the entire series.
Summary: Max makes three different but similar journeys starting when she escapes from Manticore.
She was a girl with no past in the outside world. The one that was force to depend and rely on the milk of human kindness, or as Manticore had taught them: the weaknesses of others. She exploited and manipulated those weaknesses after the Pulse had destroyed everything since she refused to go back to Manticore. And she knew that the Pulse hadn’t stopped them looking for her. She grew up hard and cold, only interested in surviving and finding her siblings. When she was without a home to stay in, she held onto the talisman of her siblings and it kept her going. As she grew older, the thought of finding her mother, the woman who had given her up started to consume her. She wanted to find the woman that could carry her for nine months and then abandon her and ask her why.
Seattle is like no other city before and after the Pulse. Before the Pulse it was the jewel of the Pacific Northwest. Years after the Pulse it’s remained locked down while other cities have gradually reduced their own sector police and guards. Seattle remains on alert for a war that never came after the Pulse. For someone like Max, the sector police, the road blocks and all of the other hoops that normal Seattle residents have to jump through to travel the length of the city are barely a challenge. Instead she manages to slip through the sectors and by the sector police like a ghost. It doesn’t matter whether she’s working for Jam Pony or for Logan Cale; she is able to traverse the whole of Seattle with few problems.
As she watches Joshua’s flag being raised on one of the buildings of Terminal City, Max feels a sense of hope. For the first time since she first stared down at Manticore with her brothers and sister knowing that they’d destroy the place, she’s hopeful again. She’s lost so much but at the same time she’s gained quite a bit. Her gloved hand slips into Logan’s and she sighs. The real battle is still ahead of her, the battle of words and politics where she’ll fight for their legal rights, but for now she feels content and hopeful. Ames White can’t just crush them without recourse. People know now that they’re not just a bunch of monsters concocted in a top secret government lab.