[dark angel] in & out, gen!fic

Nov 25, 2007 17:34

Title: In & Out
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Jondy (X5-210)
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee, and company.
Prompts: 100_women - #4 (inside) & #5 (outside)
Notes: Set pre-series and during Season One.
Summary: Jondy’s life changed drastically one winter night.


It wasn’t until she was outside of Manticore running for her life from the normal soldiers that were supposed to guard them that Jondy realized how much of a gamble they were all making. Then again, she knew that if they had stayed on the inside as good little soldiers, her sister would either be killed because of her seizures, or even worse the doctors would run so many tests on her that Max would wish she was dead. Still as the snow crunched under her bare feet as she ran, Jondy wondered if Zach had made a grave error, one that would cost all of them their lives if they failed.


The world outside of Manticore is scary, even for a soldier like her. It’s lonely and chaotic. Nothing makes sense to her as she struggles to survive each day. She hates the fact that she has to depend on the kindness of random strangers to make it through each day. Back at Manticore it was always clear who she could trust and who she couldn’t, in the world outside of Manticore it’s never clear and they had never been taught how to accurately read people. Jondy hates to admit it but the outside world scares her more than any threat back at Manticore and some days she wishes that she was back there, that she had left Max to her fate. And on those days, Jondy hates herself more than she ever hated Lydecker and the others at Manticore.


community: 100_women, character: jondy (x5-210), fandom: dark angel

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