Title: In this Hollow Valley
aaronlisaFandom: Dollhouse
Pairing/Characters: Topher/Bennett, Alpha/Echo, Echo/Paul (mentions of other characters from the series.)
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Dollhouse belongs to Joss Whedon and company. I’ve also used T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Hollow Men” in this fic and for the title.
Prompts: Written for
dollficathon for
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Comments 8
Alpha's so fascinating, isn't he? :)
I love writing Alpha.
This passage was particularly lovely and in character.
"Yet Topher can barely remember that Claire, his Claire that he made, had once said of the danger of repeat engagements. In his arrogance, he had written it off, pushed it aside, after all by that point she had been Claire for so long without a fault or flaw or problem. But what if she was right, what if she had seen something that he hadn’t, what if his own arrogance had created those flaws and faults that had led to that terrible moment when Claire had entered his office and had raised her gun and… "
Thanks for participating in the dollhouse ficathon.
I had a lot of fun.
I've also kind of been waiting for someone to weave in some TS Elliott into a Dollhouse fic, and I've love how you've used it here. Bravo.
Can we be friends? can we collaborate on dollhouse fic stuff?
And sure we can be friends.
Loved your characterizations! of Alpha and Topher.
I think this is probably one of my favourite fics that I've written.
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