Title: Bookends
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Anya/Buffy
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
femslash100 - #119 (demon)
Notes: Set during Season Five.
Summary: Anya and Buffy are affected by a spell.
Word Count: 100
They sit at opposite ends of the couch like a pair of mismatched bookends. It seemed both unusual and unnatural: the former vengeance demon and the Slayer. Inch by inch, they slowly move closer to one another until Buffy’s hand is tangled in Anya’s and Anya’s mouth is hotly pressed against Buffy’s. Neither really knows who moaned first but it’s enough to break them apart quickly.
“It’s just a spell and I’m sure it’ll wear off soon,” Buffy breathily states.
“Yeah,” Anya replies as they start to move closer again, unable to resist the strong attraction the spell has created.
Title: Hidden Away
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Fred Burkle/Cordelia Chase
Disclaimer: Angel belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
femslash100 - #119 (demon)
Notes: Set during ATS Season Three.
Summary: Fred accepts Cordelia even after she’s been made part demon.
Word Count: 117
Things change between Cordelia and the others after Skip has made her part-demon so she can handle the visions without death being the end result. It’s only Fred who still sees Cordelia as the same person after she changes. And it’s in Fred’s arms that Cordelia finds solace and that her humanity is reaffirmed. At first, it was just girl talk but then it changed into something that neither can really define. All they know is that it’s something different and intense that they keep away from the men as they sneak into unused rooms at the Hyperion so that they can kiss, touch and explore one another’s bodies away from the prying eyes of the others.
As you can probably tell for the last month or so, I've been really inspired by the prompts at
femslash100 and have written quite a bit there.