Title: Stolen
aaronlisaRating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Ruby/Faith
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company & Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke and company.
femslash100 - #129 (promise)
Notes: Set post-Season Seven and pre-Season Three.
Summary: Ruby goes missing and Faith reacts.
Word Count: 152
When Faith had first met Ruby, she hadn’t been looking for love. But the new Slayer had been persistent and eventually Faith had been forced to admit her feelings, which was dangerous territory for the brunette. A month of domestic bliss (or what passed as such for a pair of Slayers) was all that Faith had been granted before a demon had stolen Ruby away. She had woken in the early morning to an empty and cold bed and the heavy scent of sulpher in the air. It had left her angry and confused and all that Giles and Buffy could tell her was that an inactive Hellmouth had been breached. Apparently there was a war going on, one that Giles and Buffy had kept to themselves. Faith had slammed the phone down and promised that not only would she save Ruby from being causality but she’d take Giles and Buffy down.