[rhps] weekly sessions, magenta/janet

Nov 10, 2007 15:30

Author: sweetness
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: implied Janet/Magenta, Janet/Brad
Disclaimer: The Rocky Horror Picture Show belongs to Richard O’Brien & Twentieth Century Fox.
Prompts: femslash100 - #122 (therapy)
Notes: Takes place after the movie’s ended. Loosely follows Maybe the Rain is Really To Blame ~ Take Two.
Summary: Janet deals with what happened between her and Magenta.
Word Count: 100

She doesn’t tell Brad about her once a week meeting with a therapist, after all if she admits to it then she’ll be forced to tell him about what happened with Magenta. And Magenta is her only secret from that night and one that she’ll never divulge. Except to her therapist because she can’t understand why she feels this way about a woman. Janet doesn’t understand why she continues to grieve for Magenta, or how she could completely lose her heart to someone in minutes. So she continues to visit the therapist so she can continue to live with Brad.


fandom: rhps, pairing: magenta/janet, community: femslash100

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