[buffyverse] a future for faith

Apr 20, 2008 11:31

Title: A Future For Faith
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane with mentions of Rupert Giles, Genevieve "Gigi" Savidge
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 25_prompts #9 (future)
Notes: Set after the Season Eight "No Future for You" story-arc.
Summary: She was tired of being the big guns for the local baby Slayers in Cleveland.
Word Count: 342

When Giles first offered her a way out from the bleak and lonely existence her life had become following the destruction of Sunnydale, Faith had jumped at the chance. She was tired of being the big guns for the local baby Slayers in Cleveland. And she was more than tired of being the social outcast that she had become. Giles had waltzed into town offering her a chance to retire and all she had to do was assassinate some evil Slayer.

For a Slayer like Faith it was a piece of cake job. Or at least that was her perception of it, but like so many things it didn’t work out like it was supposed to. She found herself befriending Gigi and falling for the other girl. Faith recognized the darkness in Gigi that was still inside of her. The darkness that she was relying on to crush the other Slayer so that she could save Buffy and the others from the evil that Gigi was brewing with her supposed Watcher.

It cut Faith like the blade of her favourite knife. It wasn’t a piece of cake or even remotely easy. Afterwards, despite her brave front for Giles about searching out other Slayers who had gone bad or succumbed to the darkness, Faith cried into her pillow at night over the death of Gigi. She could have saved her if only she had a little more time.

Yet Faith didn’t shrink away from her chosen role. It was so much better than being a social outcast or just a weapon. Searching for Slayers who had succumbed to the darkness that was such a central part of their make up provided Faith with a way that she could atone for her past sins and it allowed her to feel hope for the first time in years.

Her future was no longer bleak and empty; Faith had finally found a purpose since she first found out that she wasn’t the Slayer but just girl who would always come second to Sunnydale’s favourite golden girl.


length: drabble, community: 25_prompts, character: rupert giles, character: gigi savidge, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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