[buffyverse] passing her by

Apr 20, 2008 11:28

Title: Passing Her By
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel belong to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 25_prompts #8 (past)
Notes: Set post AtS Season One.
Summary: It had never been a question of not being able to stop.">
Word Count: 257

The hardest part about prison for Faith was the discovery that life was passing her by while she was essentially rotting away as she paid for her crimes. She didn’t really regret turning herself in; especially since she knew that it was the only way that she would really find redemption. If she had stayed on the outside, no matter her good intentions or Angel’s assistance Faith knew she would have reverted back to her old ways.

She spent most of her days training for when she would be free and able to fulfill her destiny, yet there were silent nights when Faith never really believed that she would ever see her freedom. Alternatively, she sometimes believed that by the time she was finally released on good behaviour, she’d be a dried up husk of a Slayer, useless to everyone.

Most of the time, she reflected on her past and what might have been if she had only stopped her insanity for two seconds. It wasn’t pleasant to realize that she could have stopped but she hadn’t wanted to and that it had never been a question of not being able to stop.

At first Angel visited her on a semi-regular basis, but eventually those visits have stopped and Faith is left alone. And the hardest part about it all is that she’s alone while her destiny is passing her by with each passing day while she’s atoning for her sins and is powerless to do anything.


length: drabble, community: 25_prompts, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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