[buffyverse] unknown

Apr 20, 2008 10:13

Title: Unknown
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Prompts: 25_prompts #4 (simple)
Notes: Set post-Chosen but not comics-compliant.
Summary: Things go sideways when Faith is on a mission for Giles.
Word Count: 393

It was supposed to be a simple case of Faith going into an abandon warehouse, destroying a nest and retrieving an ancient book of prophecies. And for a while things had been going according to plan, but of course just before she grabbed the book things started to go sideways.

Things had happened so quickly, she had staked half a dozen minions with relative ease and she was seconds away from the ancient book that Giles had wanted her to retrieve. Then just as her hands were about to grasp the book, two vampires came out of nowhere and grabbed her.

Faith had attempted to fight but they had easily overpowered her. They were like no other vampire she had fought before and if they had been any uglier, Faith would have pegged them for the uber vampires that they had fought before Sunnydale had become nothing more than a crater. Yet they looked normal enough for a pair of vampires that were able to manhandle her into submission.

Now Faith was chained to a damp stone wall as she waited for the leader to reveal themselves to her, after all the way things were going she was expecting some dramatic cliché of sorts to occur now. She mentally ran through the list of people who she had recently encountered, ruling them out as vampires. The person, or more accurately the vampire, behind this had to be exceptionally powerful to be able to set this up.

However the vampire that stepped into the room wasn’t someone she knew, instead it looked like just a regular kid. A kid who looked years younger than her but had an unnatural glow in his eyes. Faith shivered as he looked at her and smirked.

“What do you want?” Faith demanded, refusing to look weak.

The vampire laughed at her and Faith felt stupid, she knew that somehow she should know who this vampire was but she couldn’t place him. She pulled on her chains in an attempt to look menacing, even though she knew the scent of her fear was probably so strong that the vampire was choking on it.

He remained silent and Faith wondered how something so simple could have disintegrated so quickly into such a mess. And she didn’t doubt that she would die without ever knowing why this vampire had chosen her.


length: drabble, community: 25_prompts, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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