{the secret circle} not destined

Dec 16, 2012 12:27

Title: Not Destined
Author: Aaronlisa
Fandom: The Secret Circle
Pairing/Characters: Cassie Blake, mentions of Ethan Conant, Adam Conant, Faye Chamberlain, Diana Meade, Amelia Blake
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Secret Circle belongs to LJ Smith, the CW and company.
Notes: Set during the first three episodes.
Prompts: Written for smallfandomfest for the following ( Read more... )

character: adam conant, character: faye chamberlain, community: smallfandomfest, genre: gen!fic, length: 1000-5000 words, character: ethan, character: cassie blake, fandom: the secret circle

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Comments 2

missyvortexdv November 20 2013, 22:19:56 UTC
Interesting piece.


aaronlisa November 21 2013, 01:21:16 UTC
Thank you


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