[veronica mars] golden girl, gen!fic

Nov 25, 2007 21:26

Title: Golden Girl
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Veronica Mars, Lilly Cane
Disclaimer: Veronica Mars belongs to Rob Thomas and company.
Prompts: 100_women - #23 (hair)
Notes: Set pre-series.
Summary: Lilly Cane was Neptune’s golden girl, no matter what she did.

Before she was murdered and the truth of her exploits came out, Lilly Cane was Neptune’s golden girl no matter what she did. When Veronica first became friends with Lilly, she found herself blinded by the other girl’s golden hair and skin. She listened intently to everything that Lilly said and didn’t hesitate to do what the other girl asked of her. It didn’t matter that Veronica had a secret crush on Logan; Lilly wanted her to date Duncan, so she did. It didn’t matter that Lilly slept around, Veronica kept her best friend’s confidences even though she sometimes secretly wanted to tell Logan. Nothing that Lilly did really mattered because Veronica was secretly in love with Lilly Cane, Neptune’s golden girl.


community: 100_women, fandom: veronica mars, character: veronica mars, character: lilly cane, pairing: veronica/lilly

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