[dark angel] size, gen!fic

Nov 25, 2007 21:23

Title: Size
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Jondy, with mentions of Zach, Syl and Krit.
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee & company.
Prompts: 100_women - #22 (hands)
Notes: Set pre-series.
Summary: Jondy often wonders why Manticore did certain things.

Her hands are very small and delicate in comparison to his hands, and sometimes she wonders just what the scientists at Manticore were thinking. Sure she’s a deadly packaged all wrapped up in deceptive layers but in comparison to Zach, she’s so small. From what Zach tells her Max is also small so she’s not alone. It makes her wonder about the other X5’s and how they were supposed to be a super army made by science.

It’d make more sense to her for them all to be tall and big instead of some of them being small and delicate-like. Zach always laughs at her when she talks about it, usually when she’s had a few beers in her system. He’ll invariably point out that Syl and Tinga aren’t delicate little girls like she is. One time Krit told her it was because their series wasn’t meant for regular combat, that they were supposed to the officer core. She wonders how he knows this, but in the end Jondy accepts it as a plausible reason.

And when it comes down to it, she’d rather not wonder why she’s so small in comparison to Zach. She’d rather find out all the different ways that Zach likes her to touch him instead of wondering why Manticore made her the way that they did.


community: 100_women, character: jondy (x5-210), fandom: dark angel

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