{buffyverse} my soul is afraid to realize how very little is left of me

Apr 25, 2011 23:06

Title: my soul is afraid to realize how very little there is left of me
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Faith Lehane
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company. The title comes from NIN's "The Perfect Drug."
Prompts: Written for Round Six at genfic_minis for beer_good_foamy who wanted to see knvies, music and games.
Notes: Set during Season Three of BtVS.
Summary: It's Thursday night and after hours at the Bronze.
Word Count: 621

It's Thursday night and after hours at the Bronze. The music is far too loud and she can feel the thumping bass in her bones. It's just enough to dull her senses so that she can ignore the vampires that are in the Bronze looking for the perfect victim for the evening. She can get lost in the music and forget about the guilt that she still feels ever since she turned her back on her destiny. (She still tells herself that she turned her back on her destiny because Buffy stole it from her.)

There was a time when Faith used to know who she was, when she knew the rules in the game, when it was more than just about following the orders of a psycho. However the Mayor's the closest thin g that she has to someone who actually cares about her. It's easier to pretend that she's something that she's not, it's far easier to don the persona of the ruthless, cold-hearted bitch that everyone believes her to be than to fight it.

It's Thursday night and after hours in the Bronze. Faith could have anyone she wants in the club, if she actually wanted anyone. Even though she often goes home with someone (or more accurately makes out with them in the back alley), she never really wants anyone. Tonight though is different, she pushes those who are brave enough to come close. She wants nothing to do with anyone. All she wants is to get lost in the music and to forget who she is. Faith's not in the mood to play games or to toy with the pretty boys and girls who think that they can take her on.

* * *

In the back alley, Faith finds herself toying with a vampire. The vampire isn't one of the Mayor's so it's safe if she plays with it. She gives it a vicious smile as she pins him to the wooden wall of the abandoned warehouse next to the Bronze. She finds a sick sense of joy as she slowly pins the vampire with the cache of knives she had found in his long leather duster. She intends on saving her knife for last.

She ignores whatever the vampire has to say since she's not interested in it's pleas for mercy. (No one ever had mercy for her. Especially not vampires.) Instead she focuses on her task and the strains of the music that float out of the back door of the Bronze. When she's finished pining it up against the wall, Faith pulls out her knife. There's something about the weight of it in her hand that makes her feel safe.

The vampire pleads right up until she stakes him in the heart with a piece of discarded wood. Faith can't help but wonder if it's a remnant of one of Buffy's tussles with some vamp or other.

* * *

The rules to the games that she plays have changed but everything is still the same. She's still playing the losing position no matter what side she picks All that she can control in her life are a few things. But Faith doesn't think about that as she resumes her place on the dance floor.

Yet in the end she doesn't care. She hangs on to what she has and that's all that matters. It's Thursday night and after hours at the Bronze. The music is loud and Faith loses herself in it. She forgets what she's given up, the role that she's been forced to play and everything else. She can pretend that she's nothing more than a normal girl in a nightclub dancing to the throbbing bass of the music.


length: ficlet, community: genfic_minis, genre: gen!fic, character: faith lehane, fandom: buffyverse

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