[dark angel] unclean, gen!fic

Nov 25, 2007 21:16

Title: Unclean
Author: aaronlisa
Rating: FR13
Pairing/Characters: Max Guevera, Ben (X5-493)
Disclaimer: Dark Angel belongs to James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee and company.
Prompts: 100_women - #21 (dirty)
Notes: Set after 1x16 Pollo Loco.
Summary: Max tries to cope with what she was forced to do.

She replays the scene over and over in her mind and she still reaches the same conclusion that she had no other choice but to break Ben’s neck. It doesn’t lessen the pain or make her feel any better. Instead it makes her feel unclean and vile. She’s killed her brother to save her own ass.

Don’t leave me here. Don’t let them take me.

If she had really wanted to, she’s certain she could have gotten them both out of there. Lydecker could have had an army of soldiers with him, but they would have just been ordinary soldiers. And ordinary soldiers couldn’t compare to either her or Ben, even if he had a broken leg. They could have hidden until Lydecker and his men had left.

Please. You know what they’ll do to me. They’ll put me down there with them… the Nomalies. Please.

She killed him because he wanted to die and because he deserved to die. She could have saved him, she knows that but Ben was broken. And killing him has made her dirty because he was her brother and it’s her fault that he was broken. The escape hadn’t been her idea but Zach had ordered them to escape because of her.


community: 100_women, character: ben (x5-493), character: max guevera (x5-452), fandom: dark angel

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