{buffy the vampire slayer} the power of his kiss

Jan 19, 2011 21:42

Title: The Power of His Kiss
Author: aaronlisa
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Pairing/Characters: Buffy Summers/Angel
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Notes: Written for darkslayerfaith for the 2010 holiday season at fandom_stocking.
Summary: Set during "End of Days."
Word Count: 195

When she kisses him.... )

pairing: angel(us)/buffy, length: drabble, character: buffy summers, character: angel(us), community: fandom_stocking, fandom: buffyverse

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Comments 2

snogged January 20 2011, 12:12:32 UTC
This is lovely.


starlit_desires January 20 2011, 12:57:47 UTC
Thank you.


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