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Comments 2

yeonah April 8 2009, 03:04:08 UTC
O.o *dies laughing*
Your hater is also your lover... That could be a good base for a drama... XDDD
O.O; And you had an affair with me??? I hope Henli never finds out... ^.^;
Forgive me, I'm tired and I randomly looked in your journal and and... *shot*
I'll stop stalking now *backs out of journal sheepishly*


fadedandinsane April 8 2009, 04:36:04 UTC
hahahaha... i got bored, what else could i possibly do but surf the internet and complete random surveys.

my hater is my lover, of course, it would only happen to someone like me.

i'd be scared if heechul found out. *shivers

it's fine, it was public for a reason. hahahahaha... XDD *tackles you before the bullet hits any vital organs

my journal isn't really worth stalking. XDD


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