Title: Alice in Wonderland (creative, I know!)
Characters: Alice/Hatter, Charlie and Carolyn
One Shot
Rating: PG
Notes: I DO own Charlie and Carolyn! I do not own Alice and Hatter. And I don't own the very first sentence, I'm sorry to say. Lewis Carroll did that one all on his own, thanks. (OMG I JUST GOT IT!!! Alice's mom's name is Carol
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Comments 7
I love the differences in the stories (which we already knew, but I loved seeing 'em from the kids' eyes), and the whole family feel was nice. Just a little glimpse into a nightly ritual, so very domestic but still sweet.
Also, I loved this: He had his dad's dark eyes and they grew thoughtful more often than not. In him, Alice could easily see what his father might've been like as a child if only he'd been allowed to just be a kid instead of fighting for his very survival.
That was bittersweet 'n beautiful, hun. Excellent job on this all-around. <3
~ Ver
As for Hatter, well you know he couldn't possibly have had a normal childhood. So I can definitely see him wanting to give his kids as close to one as possible.
Thank you again! :)
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