MEME time! Stolen from
portraitofafool .
1. The Hypothetical AU Meme: Take any one of the fandoms you know I write AND give me another time period (Ancient Rome, Regency England, etc.) OR give me a type of AU (space opera AU, pirate AU, superhero AU, etc.). I will then explain what story from that fandom I would AU in that era.
2. Tell me about a story I haven't
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Comments 8
AU Setting: 19th century London (Scotland Yard, maybe :p?)
2. You remember that story you wrote about Gracie driving off in Danno’s Camaro and Steve was sleeping in the backseat? I really loved that one. Especially the whole stuff that happened when he woke up during the ride.
3. Uncharted slash (in case you don’t know it: it’s a video game). There’s not enough of it :(.
4. I read this story about these two guys fucking and then they almost got caught and they kissed and that was it.
2. OMG. That needs to be written. Probably soon.
3. I haven't heard of that? What console is it?
3. Hahaha. That what it boils down to in the end I guess. :)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Unfortunately, barely anyone writes fan fiction for this, let alone slash fan fiction. I've tried but I just never seem to be able to finish my stories. I always get stuck or lose interest.
The story of yours I was trying to describe as badly as I could was something with Scott and Alex in a cave.
It looks fun though. And Drake almost looks like Shepard from Stargate. LOL
And it's Let the Rain Fall...
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