Coming Together, Miles Apart 1/3 Just a Little Look

Jun 01, 2011 13:00

Title: Coming Together, Miles Apart
Author: fabulousweapon
Rating: R
Paring: Steve/Catherine, Steve/Kono
Warnings: Voyeurism
Author's note: Don't own 'em. If I did this shit would be on tv
Prompt at h50kinkmeme
Original prompt by shinysylver

Catherine, voyeurism
From the middle of the ocean she uses that fancy Navy satellite technology to watch. I don't care who she watches, but bonus points if it involves Steve.

It's not that she's jealous. No, never that. They don't have enough connecting them outside of sex to warrent emotions she's never wanted. It's just that she knows him. After eleven years of great sex and lots of favors she knows his kinks. Knows his schedule. Knows the routine.

It's always the same when he's starting to try to date someone new. Five times he's tried, and maybe being home for good will help now. She smiles over the phone as he explains the need to possibly cancel their weekend since he's having someone over. If it goes as planned, he'll be busy. If it doesn't, drinks on him for being an asshole, and he'll even let her use her whip for being such a bad boy.

It's not like she couldn't just ask how it went, but there's a part of her that just wants to watch. She loves it. He can be suave when he wants to be. She'd been the one to nickname him Smooth. The SEALs on his team had just added the 'Dog' part since they didn't understand he wasn't cheating on her with all his fucking around. She was doing the same, just a little more discretely. She's a voyer. Watching, knowing what the other girl is feeling as he sinks into her has always gotten her hotter than she can handle.

It’s not like she planned for that evening to be slow. For so few people to be scheduled on duty, and she was kind enough to let most take dinner and leave her to man the station. So what if she sits down in front of her station with her pants already a little loose, her shirt unbuttoned. It’s Friday night and most of the crew is in the mess watching a game.
She doesn’t even think as her handle punches in the commands to face the satellite toward his home. It’ll be a nice dinner, grilling steaks, then a walk and fuck on the beach if it goes right for him. She glances down at her watch. It’s about time.
The feed pops up to show two figures on the beach, near the surf. She glances around the room, but she’s nearly alone. Only two more techs, faced away from her down the bay. She zooms.

He’s shirtless, and the woman next to him is slim and local. Catherine’s breath catches, as the woman shoves him and Steve falls back. There’s a smile on his face as he pushes his shorts down off his hips. She can’t see the woman’s face, but she knows what her expression is. It’s the same hers was the first time she saw all that skin.

The woman kneels between his legs and takes him in her mouth. He throws his head back, but it only lasts a minute or two before he pushes her backward, and switches their positions. He unties the blue bikini and sinks fingers into her, as his other hand creeps up her cheast to pinch her nipples through the small triangle of fabric.

She doesn’t recognize the woman’s face, but it dings in her mind. She’s seen it before. Her hand creeps slowly under her shirt to pinch at her own nipples, already hard in the cold room. She’s already growing wet without even touching herself, just watching as her body supplies its memory of his hands, his touch.

Her eyes close for a moment as her breath catches, and that warmth pools downward in her body. She opens them to find him on his back, straddled and the tanned woman slams herself down on his cock again and again. She’s biting her lip watching, feeling his cock slide in her as her fingers trail into her pants, roaming lower. She’s rough on herself, feeling his thumb slide over her clit, watching his face, eyes blown, hands gripping into slim hips, mouth open as he moans silently to her.

They come together, miles apart, unknowingly on his part.

She slides her hand out, and gently wipes into the camo, as she hears voices trickle in from the hall. She gives his face one last parting look, as he and the woman lay boneless on the beach, feet in the water.

She’ll call tomorrow just in case.

pairing: steve/catherine, h50, hawaii five 0, h50_kinkmeme, rating: r, fandom: hawaii five 0, pairing: steve/kono

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